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The Fourth Reich The Fourth Reich is offline now
Rank Private Private
Membership Type Standard
Player #9188
Joined WarGear 19th Apr 2011
Last Visit 21st Dec 2017 17:33
Country Germany
Championship Points -
Global Ranking Score 1664 (#309)
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H Rating 54%
Average turn time 11 hours 19m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (3)
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  • Ranger (Play 500 Public Games)
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The Fourth Reich's Wall

Pages:   1   (1 in total)
29th Aug 2012 07:26
Message from plumbkiller
nicely played
#5 of 5
18th Aug 2012 11:27
Message from plumbkiller
Nice play in your ants game. BTW if you are curious as to why plumber didn't play the cards it was because we hoped either you or the dark blue could. There are some players in that game that play with each other as a team thus they appear to be better players than they really are and puff their chest out as great players haha. We just try and spoil their "game" whenever we can. It is difficult due to their bogus plays but every now and then we pull it off nicely.
#4 of 5
29th Jul 2012 16:55
Message from Thingol
It is quite funny, though some my not find it so. BTW, the 4th Reich is, sadly, situated quite firmly over here in US and has been for some time (thank you Dulles bros...or rather, no thanks to you). Germany is now just a branch office.
#3 of 5
21st Jun 2012 20:39
Message from murphmania
Name made me laugh but I prefer the Dirk Reich!
#2 of 5
16th Nov 2011 15:49
Message from the regulator
LMAO... thats one of the funniest smiley faces ive ever seen!! SIEG HEIL
#1 of 5
Pages:   1   (1 in total)