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RECON RECON is offline now
Rank Major Major
Membership Type Standard
Player #1073
Joined WarGear 18th Dec 2009
Last Visit 22nd Jan 2017 04:50
Country United States
Championship Points 22 (#152)
Global Ranking Score 2977 (#11)
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Team Score 1241
H Rating 87%
Average turn time 14 hours 29m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 2 (5)
Elimination Streak (Best) 2 (7)
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  • Fighter (Play 100 Public Games)
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
8th Sep 2013 04:37
Message from Chinnie
Perfect, I love to have you in the team mate!
#9 of 9
8th Aug 2013 11:31
Message from Dalek
HAh, thanks for the advice, but i clicked your name... I deem you #1 dangermouse.
#8 of 9
13th May 2013 10:16
Message from j16jimothy
Just so know, I'm not going to be able to finish this game or else I'll get booted (and I'm not for surrounding, so I decided I'll play poorly)... on the bright side, it should be helping you somewhat (takes the heat off of you). With that being said, you should [hopefully] be able to eliminate me next turn.
#7 of 9
16th Apr 2013 12:12
Message from j16jimothy
I'm glad you clarified that situation because I took your attack as an attack against *me* (hence, my attack against you). Sorry about that!
#6 of 9
7th Jul 2011 22:56
Message from FurBabe
I almost hated killing you off on the Capitalism board, Recon. (Almost!) Seriously, you're one of the better players on here. I ALWAYS enjoy my games with you. . . .watching you pull another clever trick out of your hat is always fun, even when I'm the one who gets it! xoxoxoxox - FurBabe
#5 of 9
31st May 2011 01:55
Message from afsportsguy000
I need to get full membership again! good seeing ya again! haha seems everyone came over here so I joined the bandwagon. Looks like warfish just gave up in the 90's and never updated it. I see a Conan on here all the time...i figured it was you
#4 of 9
24th Oct 2010 17:45
Message from Areas333
In the game Money....if you elimitae other player you win always 10 units...and you answer me how i have 18 in one elimination..that was beacuse i win 10 for eliminate and 8 more of the reserves of the player eliminate that he dont used in his past turn...i hope that it usefull for you..and thanks for all
#3 of 9
6th May 2010 10:57
Message from sreg
lol sure
#2 of 9
8th Feb 2010 05:42
Message from spb09
i think we should both go against white in european war and try to even things out if its possible and not to late
#1 of 9
Pages:   1   (1 in total)