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KingKearns KingKearns is offline now
Rank Brigadier General Brigadier General
Membership Type Premium
Player #1124
Joined WarGear 21st Dec 2009
Last Visit 26th Jul 2024 21:56
Country United States
Championship Points 68 (#52)
Global Ranking Score 1738 (#251)
Monthly Score 1320
Team Score 822
H Rating 56%
Average turn time 8 hours 4m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 4 (5)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (11)
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KingKearns's Achievements

  • Marine (Play 1000 Public Games)
  • Above Average (Win 100 Public Games)
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  • Explorer (Play games on 50 different boards)
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  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
11th Oct 2014 11:47
Message from Midnight Society
You are on fire right now!
#7 of 7
5th Mar 2013 17:28
Message from bobnonsense
ill call a truce with you if we work on yellow, dude is taking over
#6 of 7
12th Jun 2012 16:17
Message from CrazyAce
Thanks King. Good game.
#5 of 7
11th Jan 2012 01:27
Message from Omar Little
Haha nothing personal, but Omar comin' baby
#4 of 7
24th Oct 2011 16:18
Message from RECON
Congratulations on winning the King Killer's tournament. I'm sorry I didn't advance, on the next turn the winner of my game eliminated me! ha ha Much to my surprise!
#3 of 7
11th Jul 2011 17:59
Message from Edward Nygma
What was that board we had come up with that our profile shows evidence of?
#2 of 7
8th Jan 2010 15:33
Message from Edward Nygma
It involves options that are not yet available.
#1 of 7
Pages:   1   (1 in total)