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Big Ady Big Ady is offline now
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Player #18149
Joined WarGear 18th Jun 2012
Last Visit 26th Dec 2019 04:03
Country United Kingdom
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Pages:   12   (2 in total)
25th Feb 2014 15:24
Message from atswinner
I started a team civil if you wish to partner up
#34 of 34
14th Feb 2014 02:32
Message from atswinner
Hello been awhile. I may join premium again and get some games going. There is a 3 team civil war started we should join. I entered on team slaves. Hope to see you there, good luck.
#33 of 34
25th Jan 2014 09:05
Message from MountainMama
Sorry, Ady... I just saw your message on my board. I am usually checking turns in a rush at school. Never check messages. Will keep an eye out for you now.
#32 of 34
23rd Jan 2014 14:39
Message from obiwayne99
Apologies. First time on the Civil War board and I didn't see your messages until after you surrendered.
#31 of 34
21st Jan 2014 13:25
Message from atswinner
try for a team game?
#30 of 34
3rd Jan 2014 13:40
Message from Rad-Warrior
OK who do you want to attack?? I will attack the other one!
#29 of 34
30th Dec 2013 09:48
Message from Rad-Warrior
WTF!! Are you trying to let Luieuil win?? By using your set to screw with me your allowing him to stock up on troops!! HE already has Armies of 35, 24 and 40 in the Dakota's and Colorado!
#28 of 34
15th Dec 2013 12:56
Message from itsnotatumor
Hey Man, I did get the invite, but 7 rounds of 3 player no fog tourney is more than I can commit too. I usually prefer 5+, med+, 3 player always seems to end by screwing over 1 guy and then a battle to the death. You start a larger regular game or 2v I'll totally come play with ya.
#27 of 34
22nd Nov 2013 17:40
Message from Greengiant
I would have attacked you, but let's just see how this turns out.
#26 of 34
18th Nov 2013 13:37
Message from Greengiant
No problem.
#25 of 34
17th Nov 2013 18:05
Message from Greengiant
Hey - don't have private message capability, but I'll leave you alone for 2 turns if you do the same then it's on. Let me know.
#24 of 34
13th Jul 2013 10:57
Message from berickf
I am going to pull out of Hawaii and let you take it back. Galakanos has a whole continent, so the rest of us have to work together where we can.
#23 of 34
11th Jul 2013 13:50
Message from berickf
So long as you have a territory and a troop, you're still in a game like that. Just try to look for easy cards and somewhere that no one is interested in to slowly build up your numbers again... To attack places that you know will result in retaliations, however, could be considered poor troop management (from my perspective). No hard feelings of course. I was just confused at your choice of action.
#22 of 34
11th Jul 2013 09:02
Message from berickf
I don't get the strategy you're applying in the CC game we're in right now? It's still early, so why pick a fight with me now when I'm just a middling power?
#21 of 34
9th Jul 2013 10:34
Message from erastus25
Probably better if you actually use those units to attack into Purple's territory. I'll then clean up the 1s you leave behind and take the bonus and put more pressure on purple.
#20 of 34
8th Jul 2013 14:39
Message from erastus25
Er...not Italy. I meant attacking purple in the southeast.
#19 of 34
8th Jul 2013 14:38
Message from erastus25
That sounds good to me. Only caveat is that I need some space to get bonuses. If you can vacate the eastern "coast" of the map (dark red territories) I'll spend my energy attacking into Italy and other Mediterannean countries.
#18 of 34
8th Jul 2013 11:38
Message from Gun-Ho
Sounds good to me.
#17 of 34
6th Jul 2013 11:41
Message from Gun-Ho
#16 of 34
6th Jul 2013 11:41
Message from Gun-Ho
#15 of 34
Pages:   12   (2 in total)