202 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating: 8.30 out of 10 based on 10 ratings

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24 Apr 2014
Reviewed by Big Skin  Great
It took a while to figure out a strategy - I had not played many hordes games before. Easy to learn on this board.
#10 of 10
29 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Stalinski  Superb
Simplistic grid design, but great use of hoards and continents which lends itself to different strategies.
#9 of 10
8 Apr 2013
Reviewed by MJSetele  Superb
I like this board, though I is slightly difficult to distinguish b/t roads and hordes.
#8 of 10
6 Apr 2012
Reviewed by OldFred  Average
I'll be honest, I did not understand the bonuses at all in my first play through, they are not clearly labeled or explained.
#7 of 10
14 Feb 2012
Reviewed by Knosken  Perfect
The best map on Wargear. Works best with 6-7 with fog
#6 of 10
7 Aug 2011
Reviewed by Gimli  Good
Zombies is a fun board good for a mid ranged group of players (4-8ish). Has a good mix of hordes and continent bonuses, nice use of modifiers with the roads. Fog is also quite appropriate for good gameplay and theme-wise.
#5 of 10
10 May 2011
Reviewed by corvo013  Superb
Great board. Gotta learn the bonuses better though.
#4 of 10
2 Apr 2011
Reviewed by dl3mk3  Great
One of the few boards where i appreciate the fog, nice combination of horde style with room bonuses. Appearance is a plus.
#3 of 10
23 Mar 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Great
really well done graphics. Dug the gameplay even though I got shredded at the end.
#2 of 10
15 Mar 2011
Reviewed by Maelstrom  Superb
Easy to learn, but not boring. Seems balanced after playing it only once. Good fog board! Pretty too.
#1 of 10