209 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.33 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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4 Oct 2013
Reviewed by Cona Chris  Superb
if you like Simulgear, you will love this board. Lots of subtleties with this board that take a bit of time to figure out (like what the armors can attack, what the bombers can hit, etc.). Having a good understanding of your odds on each of your attacks (there are limits) is key.

Germany may have a small edge, but as Thingol says, if you are Russia, you can counteract that after turn 1 by being aggressive.

It can be a long game, so be prepared to dig in and enjoy!
#3 of 3
12 May 2013
Reviewed by ramoose  Great
cool board, good replay value, good way to burn a quiet ahift with a like-minded workmate. Take the time to learn the special territories/forces - they are a bit confusing at first, but can be crucial to victory.
#2 of 3
11 Jan 2013
Reviewed by Thingol  Great
Solid simulplay board. Students of WW 2 will like it. SquintGnome makes good use of unit placement enabling here to make attack/defense decisions more realistic. I tend to feel a slight edge for the German side, but a sly and/or bold Russian player can take control often enough.
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