204 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for sulli


Wed 20th May 11:30
Gates of Hell rated  Perfect
I really like this board after you get used to it. In my opinion the smaller version is actually better, because it isn't a matter of just keeping the throne for a turn and you win. You get people taking the middle only to get bumped off king-of-the-hill style. A lot of strategic thinking involved that is different than more standard boards on wargear.

Update after a while on the board - the small map is for sure better than the large. it takes less time, but most importantly there are a lot of "game theory" strategies that come into play. Along the lines of forcing the other two guys to fight, or giving up a spot in the middle to gang up on the guy with the throne. As we've played this more I think it has gotten better, not worse.
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Fri 28th Oct 16:08
Capture the Flag rated  Great
I'd love to see a version of this where the cards aren't quite so ramped/high. It seems like a lot of games come down to who gets cards first. If one team both gets a match on turn 3 they can end the game.
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Mon 10th Mar 16:16
Colossal Crusade rated  Superb
I like the board. I prefer maps that color the whole country to just a box. It must be harder to build that way. It is a lot easier to comprehend the board when the whole country is colored.
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