205 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 7
    Standard Member Thingol
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    This has probably been brought up before...how about letting dev maps have tourneys?

  2. #2 / 7
    Factory Worker Edward Nygma
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    It becomes problematic.  If the map has a bug, then the tournament will have the bug.  Sometimes it might not even allow games to finish, and then you're stuck with lots of open games that can't continue.  

  3. #3 / 7
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    plus it is hard enough to fill a tournament for a non-dev map.  I can only imagine how difficult it would be to fill dev tournaments.

  4. #4 / 7
    Standard Member Thingol
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    Those are 2 downsides; I'll grant you that. But what are the possible upsides? I think any fair argument should have both. EN and Ozy, as you have both assisted in improving my maps, I place a high value on your input. What do you think the benefit of allowing tourneys for dev maps would be? I will chime in with my thoughts after your responses.

  5. #5 / 7
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    Well, if you could get them to fill, the obvious benefit is that you can get a lot more eyeballs and play testing on a map.  IMO, almost every single map I release (except the dead-simple ones) I should go back and revise after it has been live for a few months.  No matter how much play testing I get in, I usually identify problems with the map and improvements that could be made.

    Some of this could be reduced (but probably not eliminated) if I had been able to get a tourney on the map before release.   But!  Can't you do basically the same by just starting a bunch of stand alone games on the map.  The only advantage I think Tourney's would have over that, is that you can see games get played that you the mapmaker are not in.  But I think the advantage to that is small, and you could always turn on the beta flag and make a plea in the forums for 3rd party games if you really think it is worthwhile.

  6. #6 / 7
    Factory Worker Edward Nygma
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    Some maps would benefit just from seeing lots of games testing multiple outcomes.  It would also help to not have to be in every test game, but there are drawbacks to that too.  It's hard to find enough people to fill tournaments on some maps... I even have a hard time once the map is released, some just have 10 surrenders.

  7. #7 / 7
    Standard Member Thingol
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    Yeah, you both kind of echoed my thoughts.  I would like to see some games played where I'm not playing a role.  For the map I have in mind, I'm not worried about any bugs.  It's been played quite a bit and the last several games have not reported any bug issues.


    Also, the map is a simulgear map and it's tough to get a number of simulgear players from the review board at one time to accept a review game as I think a fair number do not play simulgear or are not comfortable accepting that format when they feel others might be more appropriate to play it.  


    I do see a lot of tourneys having a tough time filling, so that would be my biggest concern.

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