205 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 5.85 out of 10 based on 26 ratings

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Pages:   12   (2 in total)
25 Nov 2010
Reviewed by Jigler  Good
Good board. It's a simple, classic style (nothing too confusion or different), but the small, single-entry continents provide for a different feel and strategy. Looks awesome too (as Yertle's always do).
#6 of 26
26 Oct 2010
Reviewed by e  Great
I have to disagree with the harsh reviews as well. While there isn't much to it, this is still a very good board. I don't think that the choke points on each satellite continent leads to no strategy involved. It just makes it important to push to get one of the smaller continents at the outset.
#5 of 26
11 Sep 2010
Reviewed by KrocK  Fair
Nothing fancy, what you see is what you get.
#4 of 26
5 Jun 2010
Reviewed by RiskyBack  Average
Ok, I think the other reviews are harsh. First off, the map has a good look. See, maps that have lots of continents often make it so that everyone gets a bonus and plays until they save enough units and cards get high enough to win. That's a no strategy map. This is not that. To get a bonus, you have to attack. The choke points on the map make it so somebody with a bonus can save it so it is worth taking the risk to try and get one early. Strategy is being able to out think your opponent, not the ability to do as little as possible until you feel over confident to do something about all those little units you've collected. This map doesn't play that way and that is a good thing in this Monkey's opinion.
However, I just don't think the map is that great. It works and it's the occasional fun play but not one I like to play a lot.
#3 of 26
3 Jun 2010
Reviewed by darklord  Bad
poor board with the only 7 continents
#2 of 26
31 Mar 2010
Reviewed by JazzEmperor  Abysmal
Awful. Just awful. Four of the continents have only 1 entry/exit - a sure sign of a no-strategy map.
#1 of 26
Pages:   12   (2 in total)