202 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
  • Status: Retired
  • Version: 7.0
  • Designer: Thingol
  • Rating:
  • Rating Score: 9.00 out of 10 [1 rating]
  • Difficulty: n/a
  • Created Date: 22nd Jun 2019
  • Release Date: 13th May 2019
  • Games Played: 0

Design Information
Territories 158
Continents 1518
Advanced Features One-way Borders
Border Modifiers
View Only Borders
Fortify Only Borders
Attack Only Borders
Board Settings
Gameplay Turn Based
Available Players
2 3 4 5
Card Sets Worth 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
Territory Selection Automatic
Unit Placement Automatic
Starting Setup Scenario based
Capital Cities On
Teamplay Disabled
Fog Setting Medium
Fog Override Enabled
Open Games 0
Lord Soth
Iuz the Evil
Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
1 Druid A Default Default
2 Ranger B Default Default
3 Wizard C Default Default
4 Cleric A Default Default
5 Monk B Default Default
6 Fighter C Default Default

Board Description


wikilinks page:



D&D-Opoly is a blend of the classic Monopoly board with D&D themes.


  • Each player starts the game with a Reserve (his/her capital) and units on the Go/Adventure location.
  • Each turn, a player has 2 attack/move orders and 1 fortify.
  • Should a player lose all onboard units, an option to get more units into play is to attack from the Reserve location to the Go/Advanture location for the player.
  • Defeating a non-empty location will generate a card for the player.
  • Players receive a default bonus of 1 placeable unit and 2 reserve units per turn.
  • Movement on the main board is 2 to 12 locations from the attacking territory. Attacks to locations 2 to 4 or 10 to 12 locations away is at slight disadvantage (d7 vs d8).
  • Fortify on the main board is essentially to any spot, except the 'Enter the Dungeon' and 'Go to Prison' locations, as all other locations have 2-way fortify borders back to your Reserve.
  • Owning Territories:

  • Each territory generates a bonus for the player, which factory-generates at the start of turn to the player's reserve location.
  • To obtain or 'buy' a territory is essentially a 2-step process - (1) defeat the guardian for that location, leaving atleast 1 unit on the Guardian spot. (2) At the start of the player's next turn, a unit will factory-generate unto the territory ownership spot. (Note - it is possible for another player to also defeat the Guardian and supercede your factory-generation). The guardian will regenerate to it's neutral value and the player will receive the territory bonus.
  • Territory values increase in worth as one traverses clockwise around the board until reaching back to the Go/Adventure location.
  • Owning a territory offers view borders to adjacent territory ownership spots.
  • Owning a set of all the territories of the same color allows view access to the 8 locations on that side of the board. More importantly, it increases the bonus value of all the territories for the set.
  • Territory/continent bonuses:
  • Purple Each +1 set 4 Light Blue Each +1 set 6

    Maroon Each +2 set 9 Orange Each +2 set 10

    Red Each +3 set 12 Yellow Each +3 set 14

    Green Each +4 set 16 Blue Each +5 set 18

    Landing on Owned Territories:

  • Landing on a territory owned by another player results in the loss of units equal to the amount of the value of the territory at the start of the owning player's turn. This is the 'cost' of using the territory's services.
  • Should the owning player control the whole set, the cost incurred would then escalate up to the cost of the set.
  • Landing on a territory you own will not result in a loss of units.
  • Simple bonus items:

  • Stagecoaches generate a value of +2 for owning one, +4 for owning any two, +6 for owning any three and +12 for owning all 4. These bonuses factory-generate to the player's reserve at start of turn. Stagecoaches defend at disadvantage (d7 die).
  • Community Chest - each of these is worth a +1 placeable bonus to the player
  • Heal - adds the denoted value to the units at the location at start of turn
  • Dungeonland:

  • Landing on the 'Enter the Dungeon' gives one-way access to Dungeonland. A player may also enter via the 'Go to the Dungeon' location, but enters Dungeonland via the Prison.
  • Placement is disabled on all the Dungeon locations. Adventure party's have been known to enter never to leave.
  • Great treasures are spread throughout the Dungeon, but fearsome creatures must be defeated to obtain these. The more valuable the nearby treasure, the more powerful the creature. Use the treasure key to the right of Dungeonland to find the location and value of each treasure. All treasure items are placeable bonuses.
  • Most creatures which have been defeated and whose spot has been abandoned will slowly regenerate between turns. The following creatures will not regenerate:
  • Xanathar, Rakshasas, Lurker Above, Illithid, Green Slime, Force Shield

  • Movement within Dungeonland is one adjacent location at a time.
  • There are 3 exit points from Dungeonland back onto the main board, via the blue teleporter locations (one for each of west, north and east empty rooms).
  • The Pools of Radiance have a pool associated to each player color. A player taking the pool of their color generates a (+2/+2) placeable/reserve bonus. Furthermore, it allows a fortify from this central location back to the player's Reserve (thus, it is a 4th exit point from the Dungeon) and allows for reinforcement from Reserve into the Dungeon. Finally, it grants view borders to opposing capitals.
  • Dice:

    In honor of the polyhedral dice which make up D&D, the following dice are used:

    Movement around the outer board is 2-12.

    Dice on the outer board (travelling spots) is d8.

    Dice attacking the territory guardians is d10.

    Dice in the dungeon is d20.

    Dice vs the Tarrasque is d6

    Dice to/from the Pools of Radiance and vs Castle Greyhawk is d4.

    Progress Indicators:

    A player can use an attack order to automatically take a progress indicator by attacking from his capital/Reserve. There are 4 side board vision spots and 1 capital vision spot. Taking one of these vision spots will remain for the player until another player takes the spot.

    How to Win:

    Accumulate enough bonus and attack from your player reserve location to defeat the Tarrasque guarding Castle Greyhawk. Defeating the Tarrasque allows you to move into Castle Greyhawk. If you retain Castle Greyhawk at the start of your next turn, you win!

    Note - the Tarrasque regenerates between turns.

    Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOn
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowed2
    Number of fortifies allowed1
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationConnected
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingYes
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledNo
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOff
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:4

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
    Minimum bonus units per turn0
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOff
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice10
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice10

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOn
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionSeats
    Capital citiesOn
    Capital city captureOff
    Capital city unit assimilation %0
    Destroy unallocated CapitalsOn
    Number of units per Territory3
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countNone
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsSeats

    Design Information
    Territories 158
    Continents 1518
    Advanced Features One-way Borders
    Border Modifiers
    View Only Borders
    Fortify Only Borders
    Attack Only Borders
    Board Settings
    Gameplay Turn Based
    Available Players
    2 3 4 5
    Card Sets Worth 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Territory Selection Automatic
    Unit Placement Automatic
    Starting Setup Scenario based
    Capital Cities On
    Teamplay Disabled
    Fog Setting Medium
    Fog Override Enabled
    Open Games 0
    Lord Soth
    Iuz the Evil
    Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
    1 Druid A Default Default
    2 Ranger B Default Default
    3 Wizard C Default Default
    4 Cleric A Default Default
    5 Monk B Default Default
    6 Fighter C Default Default

    Board Description


    No Dungeon Creature Images

    wikilinks page:



    D&D-Opoly is a blend of the classic Monopoly board with D&D themes.


  • Each player starts the game with a Reserve (his/her capital) and units on the Go/Adventure location.
  • Each turn, a player has 2 attack/move orders and 1 fortify.
  • Should a player lose all onboard units, an option to get more units into play is to attack from the Reserve location to the Go/Advanture location for the player.
  • Defeating a non-empty location will generate a card for the player.
  • Players receive a default bonus of 1 placeable unit and 2 reserve units per turn.
  • Movement on the main board is 2 to 12 locations from the attacking territory. Attacks to locations 2 to 4 or 10 to 12 locations away is at slight disadvantage (d7 vs d8).
  • Fortify on the main board is essentially to any spot, except the 'Enter the Dungeon' and 'Go to Prison' locations, as all other locations have 2-way fortify borders back to your Reserve.
  • Owning Territories:

  • Each territory generates a bonus for the player, which factory-generates at the start of turn to the player's reserve location.
  • To obtain or 'buy' a territory is essentially a 2-step process - (1) defeat the guardian for that location, leaving atleast 1 unit on the Guardian spot. (2) At the start of the player's next turn, a unit will factory-generate unto the territory ownership spot. (Note - it is possible for another player to also defeat the Guardian and supercede your factory-generation). The guardian will regenerate to it's neutral value and the player will receive the territory bonus.
  • Territory values increase in worth as one traverses clockwise around the board until reaching back to the Go/Adventure location.
  • Owning a territory offers view borders to adjacent territory ownership spots.
  • Owning a set of all the territories of the same color allows view access to the 8 locations on that side of the board. More importantly, it increases the bonus value of all the territories for the set.
  • Territory/continent bonuses:
  • Purple Each +1 set 4 Light Blue Each +1 set 6

    Maroon Each +2 set 9 Orange Each +2 set 10

    Red Each +3 set 12 Yellow Each +3 set 14

    Green Each +4 set 16 Blue Each +5 set 18

    Landing on Owned Territories:

  • Landing on a territory owned by another player results in the loss of units equal to the amount of the value of the territory at the start of the owning player's turn. This is the 'cost' of using the territory's services.
  • Should the owning player control the whole set, the cost incurred would then escalate up to the cost of the set.
  • Landing on a territory you own will not result in a loss of units.
  • Simple bonus items:

  • Stagecoaches generate a value of +2 for owning one, +4 for owning any two, +6 for owning any three and +12 for owning all 4. These bonuses factory-generate to the player's reserve at start of turn. Stagecoaches defend at disadvantage (d7 die).
  • Community Chest - each of these is worth a +1 placeable bonus to the player
  • Heal - adds the denoted value to the units at the location at start of turn
  • Dungeonland:

  • Landing on the 'Enter the Dungeon' gives one-way access to Dungeonland. A player may also enter via the 'Go to the Dungeon' location, but enters Dungeonland via the Prison.
  • Placement is disabled on all the Dungeon locations. Adventure party's have been known to enter never to leave.
  • Great treasures are spread throughout the Dungeon, but fearsome creatures must be defeated to obtain these. The more valuable the nearby treasure, the more powerful the creature. Use the treasure key to the right of Dungeonland to find the location and value of each treasure. All treasure items are placeable bonuses.
  • Most creatures which have been defeated and whose spot has been abandoned will slowly regenerate between turns. The following creatures will not regenerate:
  • Xanathar, Rakshasas, Lurker Above, Illithid, Green Slime, Force Shield

  • Movement within Dungeonland is one adjacent location at a time.
  • There are 3 exit points from Dungeonland back onto the main board, via the blue teleporter locations (one for each of west, north and east empty rooms).
  • The Pools of Radiance have a pool associated to each player color. A player taking the pool of their color generates a (+2/+2) placeable/reserve bonus. Furthermore, it allows a fortify from this central location back to the player's Reserve (thus, it is a 4th exit point from the Dungeon) and allows for reinforcement from Reserve into the Dungeon. Finally, it grants view borders to opposing capitals.
  • Dice:

    In honor of the polyhedral dice which make up D&D, the following dice are used:

    Movement around the outer board is 2-12.

    Dice on the outer board (travelling spots) is d8.

    Dice attacking the territory guardians is d10.

    Dice in the dungeon is d20.

    Dice vs the Tarrasque is d6

    Dice to/from the Pools of Radiance and vs Castle Greyhawk is d4.

    Progress Indicators:

    A player can use an attack order to automatically take a progress indicator by attacking from his capital/Reserve. There are 4 side board vision spots and 1 capital vision spot. Taking one of these vision spots will remain for the player until another player takes the spot.

    How to Win:

    Accumulate enough bonus and attack from your player reserve location to defeat the Tarrasque guarding Castle Greyhawk. Defeating the Tarrasque allows you to move into Castle Greyhawk. If you retain Castle Greyhawk at the start of your next turn, you win!

    Note - the Tarrasque regenerates between turns.

    Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOn
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowed2
    Number of fortifies allowed1
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationConnected
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingYes
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledNo
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOff
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:4

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
    Minimum bonus units per turn0
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOff
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice10
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice10

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOn
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionSeats
    Capital citiesOn
    Capital city captureOff
    Capital city unit assimilation %0
    Destroy unallocated CapitalsOn
    Number of units per Territory3
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countNone
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsSeats

    Design Information
    Territories 158
    Continents 1518
    Advanced Features One-way Borders
    Border Modifiers
    View Only Borders
    Fortify Only Borders
    Attack Only Borders
    Board Settings
    Gameplay Turn Based
    Available Players
    3 4 5 6
    Card Sets Worth 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Territory Selection Automatic
    Unit Placement Automatic
    Starting Setup Scenario based
    Capital Cities On
    Teamplay Disabled
    Fog Setting Medium
    Fog Override Enabled
    Open Games 0
    Lord Soth
    Iuz the Evil
    Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
    1 Druid A Default Default
    2 Ranger B Default Default
    3 Wizard C Default Default
    4 Cleric A Default Default
    5 Monk B Default Default
    6 Fighter C Default Default

    Board Description


    Enter the Dungeon

    wikilinks page:



    D&D-Opoly is a blend of the classic Monopoly board with D&D themes.


  • Each player starts the game with a Reserve (his/her capital) and units on the Go/Adventure location.
  • Each turn, a player has 2 attack/move orders and 1 fortify.
  • Should a player lose all onboard units, an option to get more units into play is to attack from the Reserve location to the Go/Advanture location for the player.
  • Defeating a non-empty location will generate a card for the player.
  • Players receive a default bonus of 1 placeable unit and 2 reserve units per turn.
  • Movement on the main board is 2 to 12 locations from the attacking territory. Attacks to locations 2 to 4 or 10 to 12 locations away is at slight disadvantage (d7 vs d8).
  • Fortify on the main board is essentially to any spot, except the 'Enter the Dungeon' and 'Go to Prison' locations, as all other locations have 2-way fortify borders back to your Reserve.
  • Owning Territories:

  • Each territory generates a bonus for the player, which factory-generates at the start of turn to the player's reserve location.
  • To obtain or 'buy' a territory is essentially a 2-step process - (1) defeat the guardian for that location, leaving atleast 1 unit on the Guardian spot. (2) At the start of the player's next turn, a unit will factory-generate unto the territory ownership spot. (Note - it is possible for another player to also defeat the Guardian and supercede your factory-generation). The guardian will regenerate to it's neutral value and the player will receive the territory bonus.
  • Territory values increase in worth as one traverses clockwise around the board until reaching back to the Go/Adventure location.
  • Owning a territory offers view borders to adjacent territory ownership spots.
  • Owning a set of all the territories of the same color allows view access to the 8 locations on that side of the board. It also adds an additional bonus value for owning the set.
  • Territory/continent bonuses (sets a bit below typical value in this version):
  • Purple Each +1 set 3 Light Blue Each +1 set 5

    Maroon Each +1,1,2 set 6 Orange Each +2 set 8

    Red Each +2,2,3 set 9 Yellow Each +2,3,3 set 10

    Green Each +3,3,4 set 12 Blue Each +5 set 14

    Landing on Owned Territories:

  • Landing on a territory owned by another player results in the loss of units equal to the amount of the value of the territory at the start of the owning player's turn. This is the 'cost' of using the territory's services.
  • Should the owning player control the whole set, the cost incurred would then escalate up to the cost of the set.
  • Landing on a territory you own will not result in a loss of units.
  • Simple bonus items:

  • Stagecoaches generate a value of +2 for owning one, +4 for owning any two, +6 for owning any three and +10 for owning all 4. These bonuses factory-generate to the player's reserve at start of turn. Stagecoaches defend at disadvantage (d7 die).
  • Community Chest - each of these is worth a +1 placeable bonus to the player
  • Heal - adds the denoted value to the units at the location at start of turn
  • Dungeonland:

  • Landing on the 'Enter the Dungeon' gives one-way access to Dungeonland. A player may also enter via the 'Go to the Dungeon' location, but enters Dungeonland via the Prison.
  • Placement is disabled on all the Dungeon locations. Adventure party's have been known to enter never to leave.
  • Great treasures are spread throughout the Dungeon, but fearsome creatures must be defeated to obtain these. The more valuable the nearby treasure, the more powerful the creature. Use the treasure key to the right of Dungeonland to find the location and value of each treasure. All treasure items are placeable bonuses.
  • Most creatures which have been defeated and whose spot has been abandoned will slowly regenerate between turns. The following creatures will not regenerate:
  • Xanathar, Rakshasas, Lurker Above, Illithid, Green Slime, Force Shield

  • Movement within Dungeonland is one adjacent location at a time.
  • There are 3 exit points from Dungeonland back onto the main board, via the blue teleporter locations (one for each of west, north and east empty rooms).
  • The Pools of Radiance have a pool associated to each player color. A player taking the pool of their color generates a (+2/+2) placeable/reserve bonus. Furthermore, it allows a fortify from this central location back to the player's Reserve (thus, it is a 4th exit point from the Dungeon) and allows for reinforcement from Reserve into the Dungeon. Finally, it grants view borders to opposing capitals.
  • Dice:

    In honor of the polyhedral dice which make up D&D, the following dice are used:

    Movement around the outer board is 2-12.

    Dice on the outer board (travelling spots) is d8.

    Dice attacking the territory guardians is d10.

    Dice in the dungeon is d20.

    Dice vs the Tarrasque is d6

    Dice to/from the Pools of Radiance and vs Castle Greyhawk is d4.

    Progress Indicators:

    A player can use an attack order to automatically take a progress indicator by attacking from his capital/Reserve. There are 4 side board vision spots and 1 capital vision spot. Taking one of these vision spots will remain for the player until another player takes the spot.

    How to Win:

    Accumulate enough bonus and attack from your player reserve location to defeat the Tarrasque guarding Castle Greyhawk. Defeating the Tarrasque allows you to move into Castle Greyhawk. If you retain Castle Greyhawk at the start of your next turn, you win!

    Note - the Tarrasque regenerates between turns.

    Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOn
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowed2
    Number of fortifies allowed1
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationConnected
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingYes
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledNo
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOff
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:4

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
    Minimum bonus units per turn0
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOff
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice10
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice10

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOn
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionSeats
    Capital citiesOn
    Capital city captureOff
    Capital city unit assimilation %0
    Destroy unallocated CapitalsOn
    Number of units per Territory3
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countNone
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsSeats

    Design Information
    Territories 158
    Continents 1518
    Advanced Features One-way Borders
    Border Modifiers
    View Only Borders
    Fortify Only Borders
    Attack Only Borders
    Board Settings
    Gameplay Turn Based
    Available Players
    3 4 5 6
    Card Sets Worth 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Territory Selection Automatic
    Unit Placement Automatic
    Starting Setup Scenario based
    Capital Cities On
    Teamplay Disabled
    Fog Setting Medium
    Fog Override Enabled
    Open Games 0
    Lord Soth
    Iuz the Evil
    Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
    1 Druid A Default Default
    2 Ranger B Default Default
    3 Wizard C Default Default
    4 Cleric A Default Default
    5 Monk B Default Default
    6 Fighter C Default Default

    Board Description


    Limited Movement

    wikilinks page:



    D&D-Opoly is a blend of the classic Monopoly board with D&D themes.

    Unlike the default version, movement on the outer board is limited to a range of 4 to 9 spaces clockwise. Only the Stagecoaches allow for the 2 to 12 range.


  • Each player starts the game with a Reserve (his/her capital) and units on the Go/Adventure location.
  • Each turn, a player has 2 attack/move orders and 1 fortify.
  • Should a player lose all onboard units, an option to get more units into play is to attack from the Reserve location to the Go/Advanture location for the player.
  • Defeating a non-empty location will generate a card for the player.
  • Players receive a default bonus of 1 placeable unit and 2 reserve units per turn.
  • Movement on the main board is 4 to 9 locations from the attacking territory in a clockwise direction. Only the Stagecoaches offer the normal Monopoly range of 2 to 12. Attacks to locations 2 to 4 or 10 to 12 locations away is at slight disadvantage (d7 vs d8).
  • Fortify on the main board is essentially to any spot, except the 'Enter the Dungeon' and 'Go to Prison' locations, as all other locations have 2-way fortify borders back to your Reserve.
  • Owning Territories:

  • Each territory generates a bonus for the player, which factory-generates at the start of turn to the player's reserve location.
  • To obtain or 'buy' a territory is essentially a 2-step process - (1) defeat the guardian for that location, leaving atleast 1 unit on the Guardian spot. (2) At the start of the player's next turn, a unit will factory-generate unto the territory ownership spot. (Note - it is possible for another player to also defeat the Guardian and supercede your factory-generation). The guardian will regenerate to it's neutral value and the player will receive the territory bonus.
  • Territory values increase in worth as one traverses clockwise around the board until reaching back to the Go/Adventure location.
  • Owning a territory offers view borders to adjacent territory ownership spots.
  • Owning a set of all the territories of the same color allows view access to the 8 locations on that side of the board. More importantly, it increases the bonus value of all the territories for the set.
  • Territory/continent bonuses:
  • Purple Each +1 set 4 Light Blue Each +1 set 6

    Maroon Each +2 set 9 Orange Each +2 set 10

    Red Each +3 set 12 Yellow Each +3 set 14

    Green Each +4 set 16 Blue Each +5 set 18

    Landing on Owned Territories:

  • Landing on a territory owned by another player results in the loss of units equal to the amount of the value of the territory at the start of the owning player's turn. This is the 'cost' of using the territory's services.
  • Should the owning player control the whole set, the cost incurred would then escalate up to the cost of the set.
  • Landing on a territory you own will not result in a loss of units.
  • Simple bonus items:

  • Stagecoaches generate a value of +2 for owning one, +4 for owning any two, +6 for owning any three and +12 for owning all 4. These bonuses factory-generate to the player's reserve at start of turn. Stagecoaches defend at disadvantage (d7 die).
  • Community Chest - each of these is worth a +1 placeable bonus to the player
  • Heal - adds the denoted value to the units at the location at start of turn
  • Dungeonland:

  • Landing on the 'Enter the Dungeon' gives one-way access to Dungeonland. A player may also enter via the 'Go to the Dungeon' location, but enters Dungeonland via the Prison.
  • Placement is disabled on all the Dungeon locations. Adventure party's have been known to enter never to leave.
  • Great treasures are spread throughout the Dungeon, but fearsome creatures must be defeated to obtain these. The more valuable the nearby treasure, the more powerful the creature. Use the treasure key to the right of Dungeonland to find the location and value of each treasure. All treasure items are placeable bonuses.
  • Most creatures which have been defeated and whose spot has been abandoned will slowly regenerate between turns. The following creatures will not regenerate:
  • Xanathar, Rakshasas, Lurker Above, Illithid, Green Slime, Force Shield

  • Movement within Dungeonland is one adjacent location at a time.
  • There are 3 exit points from Dungeonland back onto the main board, via the blue teleporter locations (one for each of west, north and east empty rooms).
  • The Pools of Radiance have a pool associated to each player color. A player taking the pool of their color generates a (+2/+2) placeable/reserve bonus. Furthermore, it allows a fortify from this central location back to the player's Reserve (thus, it is a 4th exit point from the Dungeon) and allows for reinforcement from Reserve into the Dungeon. Finally, it grants view borders to opposing capitals.
  • Dice:

    In honor of the polyhedral dice which make up D&D, the following dice are used:

    Movement around the outer board is 2-12.

    Dice on the outer board (travelling spots) is d8.

    Dice attacking the territory guardians is d10.

    Dice in the dungeon is d20.

    Dice vs the Tarrasque is d6

    Dice to/from the Pools of Radiance and vs Castle Greyhawk is d4.

    Progress Indicators:

    A player can use an attack order to automatically take a progress indicator by attacking from his capital/Reserve. There are 4 side board vision spots and 1 capital vision spot. Taking one of these vision spots will remain for the player until another player takes the spot.

    How to Win:

    Accumulate enough bonus and attack from your player reserve location to defeat the Tarrasque guarding Castle Greyhawk. Defeating the Tarrasque allows you to move into Castle Greyhawk. If you retain Castle Greyhawk at the start of your next turn, you win!

    Note - the Tarrasque regenerates between turns.

    Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOn
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowed2
    Number of fortifies allowed1
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationConnected
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingYes
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledNo
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOff
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:4

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
    Minimum bonus units per turn0
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOff
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice10
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice10

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOn
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionSeats
    Capital citiesOn
    Capital city captureOff
    Capital city unit assimilation %0
    Destroy unallocated CapitalsOn
    Number of units per Territory3
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countNone
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsSeats

    Design Information
    Territories 158
    Continents 1518
    Advanced Features One-way Borders
    Border Modifiers
    View Only Borders
    Fortify Only Borders
    Attack Only Borders
    Board Settings
    Gameplay Turn Based
    Available Players
    3 4 5 6
    Card Sets Worth 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Territory Selection Automatic
    Unit Placement Automatic
    Starting Setup Scenario based
    Capital Cities On
    Teamplay Disabled
    Fog Setting Medium
    Fog Override Enabled
    Open Games 0
    Lord Soth
    Iuz the Evil
    Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
    1 Druid A Default Default
    2 Ranger B Default Default
    3 Wizard C Default Default
    4 Cleric A Default Default
    5 Monk B Default Default
    6 Fighter C Default Default

    Board Description


    Long Game

    wikilinks page:



    D&D-Opoly is a blend of the classic Monopoly board with D&D themes.

    In this scenario, the Tarrasque is set at 100 units. And dice vs Tarrasque is d4.


  • Each player starts the game with a Reserve (his/her capital) and units on the Go/Adventure location.
  • Each turn, a player has 2 attack/move orders and 1 fortify.
  • Should a player lose all onboard units, an option to get more units into play is to attack from the Reserve location to the Go/Advanture location for the player.
  • Defeating a non-empty location will generate a card for the player.
  • Players receive a default bonus of 1 placeable unit and 2 reserve units per turn.
  • Movement on the main board is 2 to 12 locations from the attacking territory. Attacks to locations 2 to 4 or 10 to 12 locations away is at slight disadvantage (d7 vs d8).
  • Fortify on the main board is essentially to any spot, except the 'Enter the Dungeon' and 'Go to Prison' locations, as all other locations have 2-way fortify borders back to your Reserve.
  • Owning Territories:

  • Each territory generates a bonus for the player, which factory-generates at the start of turn to the player's reserve location.
  • To obtain or 'buy' a territory is essentially a 2-step process - (1) defeat the guardian for that location, leaving atleast 1 unit on the Guardian spot. (2) At the start of the player's next turn, a unit will factory-generate unto the territory ownership spot. (Note - it is possible for another player to also defeat the Guardian and supercede your factory-generation). The guardian will regenerate to it's neutral value and the player will receive the territory bonus.
  • Territory values increase in worth as one traverses clockwise around the board until reaching back to the Go/Adventure location.
  • Owning a territory offers view borders to adjacent territory ownership spots.
  • Owning a set of all the territories of the same color allows view access to the 8 locations on that side of the board. More importantly, it increases the bonus value of all the territories for the set.
  • Territory/continent bonuses:
  • Purple Each +1 set 4 Light Blue Each +1 set 6

    Maroon Each +2 set 9 Orange Each +2 set 10

    Red Each +3 set 12 Yellow Each +3 set 14

    Green Each +4 set 16 Blue Each +5 set 18

    Landing on Owned Territories:

  • Landing on a territory owned by another player results in the loss of units equal to the amount of the value of the territory at the start of the owning player's turn. This is the 'cost' of using the territory's services.
  • Should the owning player control the whole set, the cost incurred would then escalate up to the cost of the set.
  • Landing on a territory you own will not result in a loss of units.
  • Simple bonus items:

  • Stagecoaches generate a value of +2 for owning one, +4 for owning any two, +6 for owning any three and +12 for owning all 4. These bonuses factory-generate to the player's reserve at start of turn. Stagecoaches defend at disadvantage (d7 die).
  • Community Chest - each of these is worth a +1 placeable bonus to the player
  • Heal - adds the denoted value to the units at the location at start of turn
  • Dungeonland:

  • Landing on the 'Enter the Dungeon' gives one-way access to Dungeonland. A player may also enter via the 'Go to the Dungeon' location, but enters Dungeonland via the Prison.
  • Placement is disabled on all the Dungeon locations. Adventure party's have been known to enter never to leave.
  • Great treasures are spread throughout the Dungeon, but fearsome creatures must be defeated to obtain these. The more valuable the nearby treasure, the more powerful the creature. Use the treasure key to the right of Dungeonland to find the location and value of each treasure. All treasure items are placeable bonuses.
  • Most creatures which have been defeated and whose spot has been abandoned will slowly regenerate between turns. The following creatures will not regenerate:
  • Xanathar, Rakshasas, Lurker Above, Illithid, Green Slime, Force Shield

  • Movement within Dungeonland is one adjacent location at a time.
  • There are 3 exit points from Dungeonland back onto the main board, via the blue teleporter locations (one for each of west, north and east empty rooms).
  • The Pools of Radiance have a pool associated to each player color. A player taking the pool of their color generates a (+2/+2) placeable/reserve bonus. Furthermore, it allows a fortify from this central location back to the player's Reserve (thus, it is a 4th exit point from the Dungeon) and allows for reinforcement from Reserve into the Dungeon. Finally, it grants view borders to opposing capitals.
  • Dice:

    In honor of the polyhedral dice which make up D&D, the following dice are used:

    Movement around the outer board is 2-12.

    Dice on the outer board (travelling spots) is d8.

    Dice attacking the territory guardians is d10.

    Dice in the dungeon is d20.

    Dice vs the Tarrasque is at D6, to/from Pools of Radiance and vs Castle Greyahwk is d4.

    Progress Indicators:

    A player can use an attack order to automatically take a progress indicator by attacking from his capital/Reserve. There are 4 side board vision spots and 1 capital vision spot. Taking one of these vision spots will remain for the player until another player takes the spot.

    How to Win:

    Accumulate enough bonus and attack from your player reserve location to defeat the Tarrasque guarding Castle Greyhawk. Defeating the Tarrasque allows you to move into Castle Greyhawk. If you retain Castle Greyhawk at the start of your next turn, you win!

    Note - the Tarrasque regenerates between turns.

    Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOn
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowed2
    Number of fortifies allowed1
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationConnected
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingYes
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledNo
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOff
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:4

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
    Minimum bonus units per turn0
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOff
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice10
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice10

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOn
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionSeats
    Capital citiesOn
    Capital city captureOff
    Capital city unit assimilation %0
    Destroy unallocated CapitalsOn
    Number of units per Territory3
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countNone
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsSeats

    Design Information
    Territories 142
    Continents 1476
    Advanced Features One-way Borders
    Border Modifiers
    View Only Borders
    Fortify Only Borders
    Attack Only Borders
    Board Settings
    Gameplay Turn Based
    Available Players
    2 3 4 5
    Card Sets Worth 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Territory Selection Automatic
    Unit Placement Automatic
    Starting Setup Scenario based
    Capital Cities On
    Teamplay Disabled
    Fog Setting Medium
    Fog Override Enabled
    Open Games 0
    Lord Soth
    Iuz the Evil
    Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
    1 Druid A Default Default
    2 Ranger B Default Default
    3 Wizard C Default Default
    4 Cleric A Default Default
    5 Monk B Default Default
    6 Fighter C Default Default

    Board Description


    Small Dungeon

    wikilinks page:



    D&D-Opoly is a blend of the classic Monopoly board with D&D themes.


  • Each player starts the game with a Reserve (his/her capital) and units on the Go/Adventure location.
  • Each turn, a player has 2 attack/move orders and 1 fortify.
  • Should a player lose all onboard units, an option to get more units into play is to attack from the Reserve location to the Go/Advanture location for the player.
  • Defeating a non-empty location will generate a card for the player.
  • Players receive a default bonus of 1 placeable unit and 2 reserve units per turn.
  • Movement on the main board is 2 to 12 locations from the attacking territory. Attacks to locations 2 to 4 or 10 to 12 locations away is at slight disadvantage (d7 vs d8).
  • Fortify on the main board is essentially to any spot, except the 'Enter the Dungeon' and 'Go to Prison' locations, as all other locations have 2-way fortify borders back to your Reserve.
  • Owning Territories:

  • Each territory generates a bonus for the player, which factory-generates at the start of turn to the player's reserve location.
  • To obtain or 'buy' a territory is essentially a 2-step process - (1) defeat the guardian for that location, leaving atleast 1 unit on the Guardian spot. (2) At the start of the player's next turn, a unit will factory-generate unto the territory ownership spot. (Note - it is possible for another player to also defeat the Guardian and supercede your factory-generation). The guardian will regenerate to it's neutral value and the player will receive the territory bonus.
  • Territory values increase in worth as one traverses clockwise around the board until reaching back to the Go/Adventure location.
  • Owning a territory offers view borders to adjacent territory ownership spots.
  • Owning a set of all the territories of the same color allows view access to the 8 locations on that side of the board. More importantly, it increases the bonus value of all the territories for the set.
  • Territory/continent bonuses:
  • Purple Each +1 set 4 Light Blue Each +1 set 6

    Maroon Each +2 set 9 Orange Each +2 set 10

    Red Each +3 set 12 Yellow Each +3 set 14

    Green Each +4 set 16 Blue Each +5 set 18

    Landing on Owned Territories:

  • Landing on a territory owned by another player results in the loss of units equal to the amount of the value of the territory at the start of the owning player's turn. This is the 'cost' of using the territory's services.
  • Should the owning player control the whole set, the cost incurred would then escalate up to the cost of the set.
  • Landing on a territory you own will not result in a loss of units.
  • Simple bonus items:

  • Stagecoaches generate a value of +2 for owning one, +4 for owning any two, +6 for owning any three and +12 for owning all 4. These bonuses factory-generate to the player's reserve at start of turn. Stagecoaches defend at disadvantage (d7 die).
  • Community Chest - each of these is worth a +1 placeable bonus to the player
  • Heal - adds the denoted value to the units at the location at start of turn
  • Dungeonland:

  • Landing on the 'Enter the Dungeon' gives one-way access to Dungeonland. A player may also enter via the 'Go to the Dungeon' location, but enters Dungeonland via the Prison.
  • Placement is disabled on all the Dungeon locations. Adventure party's have been known to enter never to leave.
  • Great treasures are spread throughout the Dungeon, but fearsome creatures must be defeated to obtain these. The more valuable the nearby treasure, the more powerful the creature. Use the treasure key to the right of Dungeonland to find the location and value of each treasure. All treasure items are placeable bonuses.
  • Most creatures which have been defeated and whose spot has been abandoned will slowly regenerate between turns. The following creature will not regenerate - Xanathar
  • Movement within Dungeonland is one adjacent location at a time.
  • There are 3 exit points from Dungeonland back onto the main board, via the blue teleporter locations (one for each of west, north and east empty rooms).
  • The Pools of Radiance have a pool associated to each player color. A player taking the pool of their color generates a (+2/+2) placeable/reserve bonus. Furthermore, it allows a fortify from this central location back to the player's Reserve (thus, it is a 4th exit point from the Dungeon) and allows for reinforcement from Reserve into the Dungeon. Finally, it grants view borders to opposing capitals.
  • Dice:

    In honor of the polyhedral dice which make up D&D, the following dice are used:

    Movement around the outer board is 2-12.

    Dice on the outer board (travelling spots) is d8.

    Dice attacking the territory guardians is d10.

    Dice in the dungeon is d20.

    Dice vs the Tarrasque is d6

    Dice to/from the Pools of Radiance and vs Castle Greyhawk is d4.

    Progress Indicators:

    A player can use an attack order to automatically take a progress indicator by attacking from his capital/Reserve. There are 4 side board vision spots and 1 capital vision spot. Taking one of these vision spots will remain for the player until another player takes the spot.

    How to Win:

    Accumulate enough bonus and attack from your player reserve location to defeat the Tarrasque guarding Castle Greyhawk. Defeating the Tarrasque allows you to move into Castle Greyhawk. If you retain Castle Greyhawk at the start of your next turn, you win!

    Note - the Tarrasque regenerates between turns.

    Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOn
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowed2
    Number of fortifies allowed1
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationConnected
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingYes
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledNo
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOff
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:4

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
    Minimum bonus units per turn0
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOff
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice10
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice10

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOn
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionSeats
    Capital citiesOn
    Capital city captureOff
    Capital city unit assimilation %0
    Destroy unallocated CapitalsOn
    Number of units per Territory3
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countNone
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsSeats