199 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.83 out of 10 based on 18 ratings

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14 Dec 2013
Reviewed by zdisabled_d765cf3b  Average
#18 of 18
6 Sep 2013
Reviewed by Chinnie  Great
Excellent board, well designed!
#17 of 18
24 Jan 2012
Reviewed by Sinbad  Good
Long grind to the finish. I sure hope I get there soon. Been at it for over a month on a single game. Nice layout. Interesting gameplay.
#16 of 18
3 Oct 2011
Reviewed by calebandrew42  Great
Wonderful transposition of an unrelated concept onto Risk.
#15 of 18
17 Jun 2011
Reviewed by Mangler  Good
Great design, but if the first two turns don't go in your favor, it becomes a long grind of just taking turns and waiting to be taken out due to limited moves you can make per turn.

when you gotta a shot at victory though, it's exhilarating.
#14 of 18
2 May 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Superb
long, fun games especially as players reach the middle areas.
#13 of 18
2 May 2011
Reviewed by KommisMar  Perfect
Love this board. It takes a long time to get the hang of it, and like others have said, the first couple of turns are crucial. Great fun, though.
#12 of 18
26 Apr 2011
Reviewed by corvo013  Average
Just a 'fair' rating because it was the first time I played it and I didn't feel it. Rating may change with more times played, and I do plan to play it more.
#11 of 18
23 Mar 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Superb
This is really well done. Taking a COMPLETELY unrelated board game and making it work on here is really impressive. Loved playing on it.
#10 of 18
15 Mar 2011
Reviewed by Aloner  Good
Very interesting, but too long :) History loads in minutes :)
#9 of 18
15 Dec 2010
Reviewed by arouser  Great
Need to get the hang of it.
#8 of 18
18 Oct 2010
Reviewed by BorisTheFrugal  Great
The dice mods are ingenious. The continent bonus structure, although I can see how it could make for great empire building, is (in my opinion) overly complicated. I agree with a previous review that said that with a few bad roles at the beginning, and your game is over. But either way, it'll make for some fantastic matches.
#7 of 18
25 Aug 2010
Reviewed by rubbermonkey  Superb
great design.. even though i have not had any luck yet... wish there was a way to make it give a bonus when u pass go :)
#6 of 18
29 Jul 2010
Reviewed by RECON  Superb
I find this game to be extremely interesting and fun because of the availability of so many different strategies that can be successful. It is very fair as starting positions don't control the outcome however in games of 8 or more if you get a couple of bad rolls in the beginning you can be eliminated quickly. The variations in the dice values and movement on the board also add a lot of spice to the game.

It becomes more intriguing as you play it more and learn the subtleties of the game. Terrific game.
#5 of 18
6 Jul 2010
Reviewed by AdamN  Good
This is a good "Monopoly" board version. The dice modifiers really add something to the complexity of the game. I've had trouble with these types of boards in the past and I do again here. Nice job just not my cup of tea.
#4 of 18
25 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Great
It only looks like Monopoly, folks. Don't let its looks confuse you.

This is definitely a board that takes a few tries to really grasp, but, once you do, it's really rewarding. Conceptually, it does a fantastic job of mixing Monopoly's bonus structure with Monopoly's dice odds; that said, translating that into a winning Risk-style strategy takes some serious work, especially since, unlike the real Monopoly, you still get bonuses for buildings without the underlying monopoly.
#3 of 18
8 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Mongrel  Good
Capitalism employs an extremely innovative set of dice mods to simulate monopoly dice as you move around the board (6,7,8 easy, 4,5,9,10 harder 1,2,11,12 tough) Throw in the mix bonus producing houses, factories, CEO's, and a gov't building, special connections, luxury taxes that can affect monopoly and industry bonuses, and you have limitless options. An epic undertaking, Capitalism is a board to be studied.

This is a big board for all you empire-growing types out there. It just doesn't grab me in that special way.
#2 of 18
4 Jun 2010
Reviewed by darklord  Great
A grat version of the classical Monopoly
#1 of 18