197 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

thinkingnow thinkingnow is offline now
Rank Private Private
Membership Type Standard
Player #53421
Joined WarGear 7th Dec 2021
Last Visit 26th Jul 2024 21:52
Country Canada
Championship Points -
Global Ranking Score 1038 (#1964)
Monthly Score 786
Team Score 889
H Rating 33%
Average turn time 9 minutes 9.0026012468045s
Boots (last 30 days) 23 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (7)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (7)
Forum Activity View Active Threads

thinkingnow's Achievements

  • Combat Veteran (Play 3000 Public Games)
  • Dangerous (Win 1000 Public Games)
  • Team Expert (Play 10 Public Team Games)
  • Combat Buddy (Win One Public Team Game)
  • Adventurer (Play games on 25 different boards)
  • Old Timer (Had an account for > 2 years)
  • Friendly (Friended by a Player)
  • Not Feeling the Love (Enemy of a Player)
  • Killing Spree (Eliminate 5 players in succession)
  • Multi Winstreak (Win 5 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • ICU (Upload profile picture)
  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)

thinkingnow's Trophy Cabinet



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thinkingnow's Wall

Pages:   1   (1 in total)
4th May 2024 23:45
Message from Abraham the Mage
Want to play again?
#5 of 5
5th Dec 2023 19:19
Message from zdisabled_b956d07b
#4 of 5
5th Dec 2023 19:18
Message from zdisabled_b956d07b
M O R O N .
#3 of 5
15th Nov 2023 18:58
Message from zdisabled_b956d07b
what kind of sneaky clock is that what a moron
#2 of 5
18th Aug 2022 19:25
Message from doubledragon
Hello! Want to play another one? My internet crashed
#1 of 5
Pages:   1   (1 in total)