192 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for momzilla


Thu 28th Dec 12:15
Go-Geared rated  Perfect
I agree with Litotes, Chele, et al. The one-sided dice game on the 11 x 11 board is my favorite. So far, I haven't learned a good strategy on the smaller board or other variations, and prefer leaving luck out of it, but the 8-sided dice game can be fun for a change. Overall, I love this game. Thanks M57!

I also like the design of the board, especially 11x11 one-sided dice. Great use of Asian art!
#4 of 4
Sat 21st Nov 10:40
Antastic! rated  Superb
Really fun game. Great board, both in form and style. Love the ant cards, especially the wild card. Ordinarily, I hate ants, but this game is like Risk in an ant farm. Fantastic fun!
#3 of 4
Sun 12th Jul 12:02
Dejeweled rated  Superb
I simply love this game. It's a nice break from all the war games with their alliances and strong luck factor. It doesn't take long to play either, both the turns and overall length of the game, which is a great antidote to those interminable Colossal Crusades and the like. Sometimes the endgame does come down to a losing player who can decide who wins by which of the other 2 players he attacks, but that's where you are challenged to avoid those situations or develop good negotiating skills.

However, I have noticed one thing that bothers me about this game. If you attack 3v3, the defender will only lose 2. This seems wrong in a game that says "every attack wins."
#2 of 4
Thu 26th Feb 20:36
1790 rated  Superb
Fun to play. Graphics could be better. Overall great game.
#1 of 4