188 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Jimmid


Thu 9th Aug 14:28
Skee rated  Great
I really like playing this board. I would like to see scenarios that map out specific starting patterns for 2, 3, 4 players - such that no one can randomly start off with a full circle (continent). I just started a game where I was literally given two continents to start my first turn. It felt like "god mode", definitely not fair in a tourney situation. (I've been on the other side as well, with an opponent starting out with a continent, also not fun).

But - When the starting situation is fair, this a really really fun game. I like the strategy around which lane(s) to use and where to stockpile numbers.
#3 of 3
Sun 10th Jun 21:37
Invention rated  Good
The idea for this board is great, but there's not enough incentive to take a capital, considering that you have to back it up with a ton of defense, in order to keep it. Is there a way to make it so that each player starts with a capital and some defenses in the subcontinent around the capital?
#2 of 3
Wed 23rd May 16:35
Micro Mission rated  Great
This is a great board. Quick and fun. Don't pack it with too many players, though.
#1 of 3