226 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
10-Nov-2012 16:21 EU Medieval Europe 16 Win 335 1503
28-Feb-2012 16:26 Excellent! Dejeweled 3 Loss 13 1168
04-Oct-2011 14:04 C&L 1 Chutes and Ladders 6 Win 121 1181
30-Jan-2011 10:30 Worms 3 Antastic! 14 Loss 22 1060
16-Jan-2011 19:10 Greed is Good Capitalism 6 Win 101 1082
07-Dec-2010 16:04 Game of eight Global Warfare 8 Loss 8 981
02-Dec-2010 19:55 T sporters Atomic Transporters 5 Loss 11 989
Initial Score1000
High score: 1503 / Low score: 981 / Longest Win Streak: 1