197 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

The Basics


Designing Boards

About WarGear


General Basic Gameplay SimulGear Gameplay
  • Can I have multiple accounts?
  • Are alliances allowed?
  • What are Friends/Enemies?
  • How are Rankings calculated?
  • Why did I lose Championship Points?
  • What is the Fischer Clock setting?
  • How do I turn On/Off Email notifications?
  • Is there a turn notification add-on?
  • How do I mark a Board as a Favorite?
  • What does it mean to Flag a game?
  • What are Beta Boards?
  • How do I start a rematch of a game?
  • What are Luck Stats?
  • Where can I find a good attack/defend calculator?
  • Where can I buy cool WarGear stuff?!
  • What's the difference between Turn-Based gampeplay and SimulGear gameplay?
  • What are the keyboard shortcut keys?
  • What are the different types of borders?
  • What are border modifiers?
  • What happens if a player is eliminated by turning neutral?
  • When do I get to place my elimination bonus or captured cards?
  • What are Capital Cities?
  • What is Capital City assimilation %?
  • How are dice different in SimulGear?
  • What is unit pumping?
  • What is Fatigue?
  • How are orders executed by the system?
  • What happens if all units of the Attacker and all units of the Defender are killed?
  • General

    Can I have multiple accounts?
    Multiple accounts are acceptable only for private or testing purposes. Player's using multiple accounts in Public games or tournaments will be deleted and banned from WarGear. No exceptions.

    Are alliances allowed?
    Alliances in games are allowed and usually make sense from a strategical point of view. However, pre-conceived alliances are NOT allowed or tolerated. Player's that are found colluding in multiple games will be at risk for being banned.

    What are Friends/Enemies?
    Friends are always allowed to send you private messages and they will be available in the quick list of players when creating a new private game. Your enemies cannot post on your profile wall and you can use your preferences to set whether they can send you Private Messages. Also enemies with standard accounts cannot join games that you have started or have already joined. Set Friends and Enemies on your settings pages.

    How are Rankings calculated?
    See the Help page Rankings for how rankings are calculated.

    Why did I lose Championship Points?
    Once you gain Championship Points (CPs) you are not guaranteed to keep those CPs, there are a couple of ways in which you can lose CPs. One way in which you can lose CPs is if your Public Board Ranking for the board drops below the threshold hold needed to obtain the CP, for example if you ranking was 1515 but then you lost a game and are now at 1490, you would lost 5 CPs. The other way in which you can lose CPs is if other players pass your Public Board Ranking. Only the top 10 players of a Board receive CPs, therefore if other players pass you then you may no longer be eligible for CPs.

    What is the Fischer Clock setting?
    The Fischer Clock is a setting utilized to play near real time games. See Turn-Timers for more information.

    How do I turn On/Off Email notifications?
    Customize your email notifications on your Settings >> Notifications page.

    Is there a turn notification add-on?
    Yes! There are Add-ons for both Firefox and Chrome that will alert you in your browser when it is your turn and/or for new forum posts. Visit the WarGear Extension Add-ons thread to download.

    How do I mark a Board as a Favorite?
    On the Board Info page (for example Global Warfare) in the Board Information table click on the icon in the Favorite row to toggle the board to Favorite/Non-Favorite. Boards marked as Favorite will show up in your Favorite Boards list.

    What does it mean to Flag a game?
    On a Game page in the upper left breadcrumb (Home>>Games>>Game Name>>Info/Player area) there is a Flag icon which will toggle the game as Flagged or Unflagged. Flagged games show up in your Flagged View of your Games List. Note that you do not have to be in the game to Flag a game and have it in your Flagged view.

    What are Beta Boards?
    Boards marked as public beta and games with the board in development (marked by capital D) are boards/games in which the Board Designer has not submitted the board for final review. Beta boards may be changed by the board designer at any point of a game, in which the game may change completely and/or require a restart or termination. Stats for games in which the board is in development are not tracked in any Ranking (whether Private or Public). All feedback for the board in beta should go directly to the Board Designer.

    How do I start a rematch of a game?
    The Rematch (or Replay) option is available via the View Log link on the Game View page of a game. Click the Replay icon in the furthest right column and the game will invite all players to a new game from the turn selected in the Log.

    What are Luck Stats?
    Dice Distribution information is available via the Luck Stats link on the Game View page of a game. Premium members will also receive "Luck Stats" in addition to the Dice Distribution information. Luck Stats are also available via a pop-out window via the link in the breadcrumb area of the Game Player page.

    Luck is calculated as the number of armies that a player should have. The number of attacking/defending dice, dice settings, and border modifiers are all honored in the luck calculation. A positive luck value indicates the player should have lost that amount of armies when attacking/defending, this person would be "lucky". A negative luck value indicates the player should have won that amount of armies when attacking/defending, this person would be "unlucky".

    Click to view/hide an example of Premium Luck Stats.

    Where can I find a good attack/defend calculator?
    Check out Ozyman's online dice simulator/calculator here: WarGear Tools!

    Where can I buy cool WarGear stuff?!
    Check out WarGear Gear at the WarGear Zazzle Store!

    Basic Gameplay

    What's the difference between Turn-Based gampeplay and SimulGear gameplay?
    In Turn Based games each player takes their turn one after another. In SimulGear games all players build an order list simultaneously and the orders are then executed by the system.

    What are the keyboard shortcut keys?
    Turn Based Games:
     Attack Mode HotKeys
      A: Attack with All units
      T: Attack and Auto-Transfer with All units
      1-9: Attack with specified number of units
      Escape: Cancel attack
    Fortify / Transfer Mode HotKeys
      A: Fortify / Transfer All units
      0-9: Fortify / Transfer with 0-9 units

    SimulGear Games:
     Placement Phase HotKeys
      A:Place All units
      0-9:Place 0-9 units
      X:Undo All
    Reinforce Phase HotKeys
      A: Attack with All units
      0-9: Attack with specified number of units
      Escape: Cancel reinforcement
    Attack / Fortify Phase HotKeys
      A: Attack with All units
      S: Save order
      0-9: Attack with specified number of units
      Escape: Cancel attack

    History Viewer:
     Left Arrow: Step backwards
     Right Arrow: Step forwards
     Up Arrow: Previous turn
     Down Arrow: Next turn
     Home: Jump to start
     End: Jump to end
     Space: Toggle Play / Stop
     A: Speed up playback
     Q: Slow down playback

    What are the different types of borders?
    There are 5 different types of borders that board designers may use when creating a board, they are Default, Artillery, Attack Only, Fortify Only, and View Only.

    Borders can also either be one way or two way, therefore for territories A and B, A to B could have a Default border, while B to A could have a View Only border. A border can only be a single type of border, meaning a border cannot be an Artillery border and a View Only border. Most board designers will specify on the board or the board description to identify non-default border types. The type of border is also displayed in the Attack window.

    What are border modifiers?
    Border modifiers are a way for the Board Designer to specify the number of sides of the dice rolled for a particular border. For example if the default dice of a board is set to 6 vs 6, then the board designer could create a border modifier from Terr A to Terr B in which Terr B has a defense modifier of +2. This would indicate that when attacking from Terr A to Terr B that Terr A will roll 6 sided dice while Terr B will roll 8 sided dice. The same could be done for the attacker in which a +2 attack modifier would result in Terr A rolling an 8 sided dice and Terr B rolling a 6 sided dice.

    Border modifiers can be set for both the attack and the defender and are set in a one way direction (meaning modifiers for Terr A to Terr B could be different from Terr B to Terr A). Border modifiers for SimulGear games are set and honored in the same way, just utilizing the SimulGear dice instead.

    During a game, border modifiers can be identified by the different color attack lines/circles in which Green results in an attack bonus, Red results in a defend bonus, and White results in the same correlation as the default dice. Note: If default dice are set to 4 sided attack and 6 sided defend that the attack lines will be White unless border modifiers are in place. Red/Green attack lines are a result of border modifiers and not necessarily representative of attack/defend dice.

    What happens if a player is eliminated by turning neutral?
    Under certain circumstances a player may be eliminated at the end of a turn due to the remaining territories turning neutrals, if this occurs then the player is eliminated by the system and no player is rewarded with the player's cards, reserves, or receives an elimination bonus.

    When do I get to place my elimination bonus or captured cards?
    If the elimination bonus causes the player to have a number of reserved troops greater than the maximum reserve units, then the player will be forced to place the units (and turn in cards if applicable) after eliminating the player, regardless of the Return to unit placement from attack setting. Similarly, if the your total number of cards is greater than or equal to the maximum number of cards allowed then you will be forced to trade in a card set (or sets) before proceeding.

    What are Capital Cities?
    Capital Cities add another level to gameplay and are set on a per territory basis. If a player owns a Capital City then the player must retain ownership of at least one Capital City or he is eliminated. Capturing a player's last Capital City results in the elimination of the player and the chance to assimilate/gain control of 0-100% of the eliminated player's remaining units. Check the Starting Scenario section of the Rules page for more rules associated to Capital Cities.

    What is Capital City assimilation %?
    The chance percentage that a unit will be captured from a player when capturing the last Capital City. For example: If it is set to 100%, then when Player A captures Player B's last remaining Capital City and eliminates Player B, then Player A gets ALL of Player B's remaining territories and units. If set to 50%, then Player A has a 50% chance of obtaining each unit of Player B.

    SimulGear Gameplay

    How are dice different in SimulGear?
    Dice in SimulGear games are essentially 100 sided. The system rolls one 100 sided diced for each attacker and each defender, then for each attacker dice rolled above the Attacker % one defender is killed and each defender dice rolled above the Defender % one attacker is killed. For example, if Attack is set to 60% and Defend is set to 75%, if an order is for Attack 10 units to territory with Defender of 10 units, then the system rolls ten (10) 100 sided dice for the Attack and for every dice that is 40 or greater will kill one Defender unit, the system also rolls ten (10) 100 sided dice for the Defender and for every dice that is 25 or greater will kill one Attacking unit.
    Note: The Attack % and Defend % is not a guaranteed kill % but instead an average kill %. In the example, the Attacker/Defender could actually kill anywhere from 0-100% depending on the outcome of the dice rolls

    What is unit pumping?
    Unit pumping is the process of moving units through another territory in the same round. For example, Player A has 11 units in Territory Z. He creates a fortify order in round 2 to fortify to Territory Z with 5 units. Player A also has an attack order in round 3 to attack out with 10 units from Territory Z. If in round 1 Player B attacks Territory Z and reduces it to 6 units, then in round 2 Player A's fortify brings the unit count of Territory Z back to 11 units. If unit pumping is allowed, then in round 3 Territory Z will attack with 10 units. If unit pumping is not allowed, then in round 3 Territory Z will attack with only 5 units (and have at least 6 remaining in Territory Z from the fortify of round 2).

    What is Fatigue?
    Fatigue is a way in which the Board Designer prevents players from creating long strings of (usually meaningless) orders in a SimulGear game. Fatigue is calculated for any order number Y and beyond drops the chance of an attack killing a defender by X %. Any order number 2Y and beyond drops the chance of an attack killing a defender by 2X %, etc.

    How are orders executed by the system?
    Orders are executed in the sequence set by each player. Turn resolution by the system will take place in sequential order in accordance with turn seat order and player's orders. Order's that cannot be carried out will be skipped and the next order of the player will be attempted. Order's are carried out sets of "rounds". For example:

    Player A has Terr A and Terr B
    Player B has Terr C and Terr D
    Player A's order 1: Attack/Fortify from Terr A to Terr C
    Player A's order 2: Fortify Only from Terr B to Terr C
    Player A's order 3: Attack/Fortify from Terr B to Terr D
    Player B's order 1: Fortify from Terr C to Terr D
    Player B's order 2: Attack/Fortify from Terr D to Terr A

    Order Resolution:
    Turn Seat Order: Player A, Player B
    Round 1: Player A attacks from Terr A to Terr C - Terr A loses X units attacking, Terr C loses Y units defending
    Round 1: Player B fortifies from Terr C to Terr D
    Round 2: Player A attacks from Terr B to Terr D - Terr B loses X units attacking, Terr D loses Y units defending
    Player A's Order 2 skipped due to Player A not owning Terr C. Order 2 would have been executed if Player A captured Terr C with Order 1.
    Round 2: Player B attacks from Terr D to Terr A - Terr D loses X units attacking, Terr A loses Y units defending, Player B captures Terr A
    Round 2: Player B fortifies from Terr D to Terr A
    Turn End

    What happens if all units of the Attacker and all units of the Defender are killed?
    If an Attacker attacks with 2 units and the Defender has 2 units defending, and the Attacker kills 2 units and the Defender kills 2 units then the territory will either stay Defender owned with 0 units or turn Neutral with 0 units. Whether the territory stays Defender owned or turns Neutral is dependent upon the setting of the Rule "Abandoned territories revert to neutral". This means that an Attacker must have a unit left over from the attack to capture the territory.