210 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games
  • Rating: Unrated
  • Rating Score:
  • Difficulty: n/a
  • Created Date: 3rd Dec 2016
  • Release Date: n/a
  • Games Played: 2
  • #1:
  • #2:
  • #3:

Design Information
Territories 425
Continents 5598
Advanced Features One-way Borders
View Only Borders
Board Settings
Gameplay Turn Based
Available Players
4 6
Card Sets Worth Off
Territory Selection Automatic
Unit Placement Automatic
Starting Setup Scenario based
Capital Cities On
Teamplay Enabled
Fog Setting Heavy
Fog Override Disabled
Open Games 0
Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
1 Red 1 Red Team Default Default
2 Blue 1 Blue Team Default Default
3 Red 2 Red Team Default Default
4 Blue 2 Blue Team Default Default
5 Red 3 Red Team Default Default
6 Blue 3 Blue Team Default Default

Board Description

Mission: CAPTURE

Your mission should you choose to accept it is to Capture the Flag. This description will self destruct in 5 seconds.

In this game you control 1 unit which represents your player. That player's job is to venture into enemy territory, acquire the enemy flag, and return it, to win the game for your team.

Take The Flag:

If you're on the blue team, you must hold the territory "Flag i2" as a continent for 1 turn, "Flag i22" for red team.

Holding that continent will grant you ownership of "Red's Flag" or "Blue's Flag" respectively.

If your unit on the board is killed while you own the flag, you will lose it and will need to recapture "Flag i2/i22" to regain ownership of "Red's/Blue's Flag".

To win the game, you must hold the continent containing the two territories "Red's Flag" and "Flag i22" or "Blue's Flag" and "Flag i2".

Recap: Taking the flag on the grid will grant you the flag on the top of the map until your unit on the grid is tagged. Owning the flag on the top and your own base as a continent, wins the game.

But wait... there's more!

The grid is divided into two zones. The left side is the Red Team's zone and is outlined in red. The right side is the Blue Team's zone.

A character can be tagged in any zone, and all attacks win, so attack enemies whenever you see one.

If you get tagged in your own zone, you'll lose a turn and respawn at your base, "Base p2" for Red and "Base b22" for Blue. This means you will have one turn where you just hit "End Turn" if you get removed from the grid. To indicate this lost turn, you will acquire a territory shaped like a skull at the beginning of your turn called "Red 1 Respawn" varying in number and color. If you own the skull as a continent, you will respawn at your base on the following turn and lose the skull.

If at any point you begin a turn in enemy territory, you will acquire a Handcuffs shaped territory called "Blue 3 Go To Jail". You will retain ownership of this territory until you begin a turn in your own team's zone. If you are tagged while you own the handcuffs, instead of respawning at base, you respawn in Jail.

To summarize, if you being your turn with no units on the board, you will acquire the skull and will lose your turn. At the beginning of the following turn you will respawn. If you have just the skull, you will respawn at base. If you have the handcuffs AND the skull, you will respawn in jail.

To free allies from jail, you must begin your turn in any hex location adjacent to any jail cell. Once freed from jail you lose a turn, then respawn at base on the following turn.

You may make 5 moves per turn. All attacks win. Vision and Mobility is based on terrain type. From each territory you can reach up to 3 territories away, though some terrain will slow you down.

When counting moves, Field tiles will not slow you down, you may move up to 3 spaces per attack if all three territories are field tiles. If you walk through rock or forest tiles you'll lose a step and can only travel 2 tiles away. Mountain and River tiles can only be entered from adjacent territories. Ignore the terrain of the territory you move from, only look at the territories you are moving through.

Quick Summary...

Move your character around the grid with your 5 attacks, keeping terrain in mind. Try to reach your enemy's flag location to become the flag carrier and return to your own flag location to win. If you get tagged, you'll lose a turn and acquire the skull. After losing a turn you'll respawn at your base. If you begin a turn in enemy territory, you'll acquire the handcuffs. If you return to allied territory before you get tagged you will lose the handcuffs. If you are tagged with the handcuffs you respawn in jail instead of base. An ally can free you from jail by holding an adjacent tile as a continent.

Gameplay Settings

Gameplay TypeTurn Based
Return to unit placement from attackOff
Return to attack after fortifyOff
Number of attacks allowed5
Number of fortifies allowed0
Multiple attacksOn
Allow fortificationBordered
Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
Fog typeHeavy
Allow override of fog settingNo
Game historyShow

Team Settings

Teamplay EnabledTeamplay Only
Team VisionOn
Team Unit PlacementOff
Team Unit TransferOff
Team Factory ProductionOff


Card CaptureOn
Maximum number of cards allowed5
Card values
Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:2

Bonuses, Limits and Dice

Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
Minimum bonus units per turn0
Elimination bonus0
Capturing of reserves on eliminationOff
Maximum reserve units0
Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
Auto Assign Factories
Number of sides on Attacker's Dice1
Number of sides on Defender's Dice0

Initial Setup

Initial setupSetup based
Lock seat colorsOn
Lock seat orderOn
Lock starting bonus to:Seat
Allow seat selectionSeats
Capital citiesOn
Capital city captureOff
Capital city unit assimilation %0
Destroy unallocated CapitalsOn
Number of units per Territory3
Territory selectionAutomatic
Unit placementAutomatic
Neutral countLow
Neutral Factories
Use team names defined in ColorsOn
Allow players to choose seats / teamsSeats