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WarGear Modeling Language

(Original idea from Ozyman)

If you're working with someone on a complicated board design and are finding it difficult to describe (or understand) the way to set things up, or even if you're just trying to piece together a tricky way to use Factories all by yourself, give the WarGear Modeling Language a try.

It doesn't have to be pretty. Scribble it out, scan it, and then post it on the board's Wiki.

Territory and Border Basics

I've gotten rid of the max hats - they create a lot of clutter and wasted space.

* Mods to Territory Attributes can be included inside the territory.
* If there's a common system of mods that is found across numerous territories, a special footnote character can be included in the territory.

Treatment of Continents

Learn about how Factories work here.

Types of Factories

T-28 (dotted) above is a Token Territory. (proposed)
Click here to learn more about Auto-Neutral

Horizontal and vertical paths are preferred because of left/right and up/down conventions.

Border Drawing Conventions

Lines that intersect ignore each other.

In this modes T30 borders T32, and T31 borders T33 ONLY.

T31 does NOT border T32

..and while this is an acceptable way to connect them all..

..this is much more efficient and flexible.

Note with the last example simple dice modifiers can be included when they apply to all attacks on that line, but the previous example might be necessary to use if more complex dice modifiers are involved.

Short Cuts

Here is an 24 x 3 Factory example where each of the three player territories put a single unit on any named territory that they control.

designer_workshop/modeling_language.1377367965.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/26 09:33 (external edit)