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humuhumu182 humuhumu182 is offline now
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Player #15009
Joined WarGear 15th Mar 2012
Last Visit 4th Jul 2012 08:36
Country Seychelles
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The problem with Scotland is............

It's filled with Scot's

humuhumu182's Wall

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26th May 2012 11:59
Message from Snake Eyes
I hope you didn't take that personally. It was just too great an opportunity, asn as you see it led directly to the win. Again, nothing personal. Thanks for the game.
#6 of 6
22nd May 2012 03:35
Message from bmasera
typo, would not attack you.
#5 of 6
22nd May 2012 03:34
Message from bmasera
The reason why I'm writing on your wall is because I'm on a freemium account and don't have the advantage of private messaging as is given to premium members. So, even though this is not "private" per se, it's as close as it gets for freemium. On another note, in our other game, Blue is getting too strong and I tried to tell you in-game with a subtle message that I directed towards him so as not to give away anything. My intentions were to let you know that I would attack you, and that Blue was too strong. Hence the remaining players need to bring blue down a notch before resuming conflict with each other. Instead you attacked me in Europe. Am now quite entirely confused. Maybe I was too subtle ;-)
#4 of 6
19th May 2012 15:53
Message from bmasera
You never gave me an alternative proposal, so I was forced to break your bonuses again till I better understand your intentions. Sorry, but you were quiet and my turn returned.
#3 of 6
18th May 2012 09:52
Message from bmasera
If you want to pursue such a treaty, then given your relative strength, you'll need to be far more modest in what you expect to be your territory before asking. But, if you were more modest, I'm not completely against the idea.
#2 of 6
18th May 2012 03:08
Message from bmasera
The problem with your suggestion is that you just tore through me wherever you could... If you just took a little, like Montana, and defended it well, that would be one thing, but instead you attack me everywhere and spread yourself thin in the process. What would you do if you were me?
#1 of 6
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