202 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 5
    Premium Member KrocK
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    from what i gather every ranked game you play it costs you 20 Global Ranking Points (GRPs) and i am assuming its a winner take all setup. i think it might be cool to be able to have variations of the buy in. for example you could have 20, 100 and 1000 GRPs buy in for games. so long as the GRP cost is labeled in a way that you are clear of the cost of the game you are about to join i think it would work well. this could also indirectly filter the skill level of the players you want in your game, chances are that a 1000 GRP game will have better players in the game (and a few gamblers)

    If a player drops below 50 GRPs then WarGear will top your account up to 50 GRPs only once within a 24 hr period. that way you can still join two 20 GRP games a day.

  2. #2 / 5
    Standard Member bengaltiger
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    I don't know how this would apply to the ranking system, but I really like this as a type of tournament. Somehow you would start with a certain number of GRPs, kind of like a poker tournament or something. It would have to be played with fast games, but could be fun.

  3. #3 / 5
    Premium Member Yertle
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    KrocK wrote:

    from what i gather every ranked game you play it costs you 20 Global Ranking Points (GRPs) and i am assuming its a winner take all setup.

    Not necessarily 20, it's a calculation (Ranking Help, http://www.wargear.net/help/display/Rankings).

    And lol, this seems like a new version of your points/tokens system KrocK :P.  And while, IMO, I do think it may have some potential, I'm really unsure how it would be implemented without easily being abused (just like online Poker is). 

    I'm not sure filtering the skill level would actually occur either, it would probably get filled by people who have no idea what they are doing, or by those that just go "all in" every hand without looking at their cards.

    Not sure if it would work (or should work) with the current Ranking scores, I would propose a new form (ie your Point/Token idea), if this did get attempted

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  4. #4 / 5
    Premium Member KrocK
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    so maybe i should stop beating the dead horse... maybe i play too much poker and want to combine board games and poker but some other site have similar buy in/betting structures and i think it could be fun to have here, seeings as I don't want to play on the other sites.

  5. #5 / 5
    Standard Member EnixNeo
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    There's also the issue of players creating rigged games where players purposely lose to artificially inflate another players GPs. Since GPs have no real world value and they would be auto-replenished up to 50GP, they can keep pumping up the player at no loss to themselves while ruining the whole GP ranking system for everyone else.

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