209 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.00 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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26 Feb 2021
Reviewed by Genghis Jhon  Good
I'm in a game on this right now, and the first thing I noticed was that the +8 that's on the board image for Dr Frankenstein's Lab is incorrect. It's actually a bonus of only 3. That said it looks good otherwise, so far. I checked the other bonus listings, and they're all correct. Guessing this was changed in a version update, and for some reason the image wasn't updated.
#3 of 3
30 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Good
This board requires more thought and patience than I was willing to give!
#2 of 3
18 Oct 2012
Reviewed by KillDawg  Perfect
Brand new so I'm sure everyone is still forming opinions. From what I've seen the Hardcore mode is PERFECT for teamplay. Moving around each other and walling up chokepoints are one of the more exciting aspects to it. Natural fog settings on both scenarios need not be changed. Without abandon the team settings are the same as any other great board but with more ways to compliment each other. Territory bonus adds up fast. Holding a continent almost seems unfair so you better get your own fast! Any area is a good one to start from. Enjoy, I'll see you out there.
#1 of 3