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wurzel133 wurzel133 is offline now
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Player #1259
Joined WarGear 28th Dec 2009
Last Visit 31st Oct 2015 05:59
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gimli come on give up you are now becoming even more boring please get a life of your own and leave mine alone

are the most stupid people in the world those that waste there lives worrying what other people are doing instead of geting on with there own life
its all very very sad

wurzel133's Wall

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16th Aug 2011 19:43
Message from Spillo
stupid idiot. now you'll be my enemy forever
#99 of 99
12th Aug 2011 06:37
Message from Spillo
"euro championship" game: sorry for my bad strategy, now we have to team against green and blu cause i think they are playing together. now i stop attacking you. green is "your" and blue is "mine" ok?
#98 of 99
25th Jun 2010 10:03
Message from Gimli
Here is a male, that enjoys lollipops, sucking his momma off, hiding his anti-psychotics from the doctors, lying, sending in false bomb threats and stating the obvious like it is a great revelation. Instead of answering fair questions or responding to evidence, this "person" instead likes to play hide and seek with the truth, but prefers to spend "his" time typing crap that just embarasses himself in the long run. Just start responding to the proof, or keep it up. Only one way is actually going to start the reclamation of your image.
#97 of 99
22nd Jun 2010 09:11
Message from Gimli
You said this "and where are you mentioned in any game name gimli ???? just show me one game i started where you are mentioned and i will apologise and never post again go on show me one!!!! " where is my apology? why aren't you shutting up? LIAR caught again!!
#96 of 99
22nd Jun 2010 08:54
Message from Gimli
thanks for proving me right yet again. I knew your attempt would be lame. Just cuz you used "Gimpi" is not an excuse... you've called me that in so many posts the proof is all over my wall. I WIN AGAIN! So you are a proven classless idiot. I don't need you to admit it, I just like that everyone on wargear can see it for themselves. Only you would think that being the 10th man into a fight against one person is manly. A real man steps in to help the single person, a real man steps up for fair fights. You wanted to play 3 vs 2, and that is all you wanted when someone else said it should be 3 vs 3. Only cowards and losers who need self-esteem can rationalize 3 vs 2 is more manly or honourable than 3 vs 3. And don't forget, I did take my turns... of course you should remember, because I still took you out in the game.
#95 of 99
22nd Jun 2010 01:17
Message from Gimli
As requested, here is the proof you continued the abuse when you said it would be done... as already mentioned many times, long ago. Wurzel posts on my wall "I SAID I WOULDNT POST HERE AGAIN" Thu 29th Apr 03:32 ONE day after you said you would stop the crap and had me thinking you were going to be civil and a tiny bit classy after all, you started these game names... so you stopped the crap on my wall and started it somewhere else... are you SO stupid you think someone should not respond back? So since you are that dumb and want me to prove what a dumbass you are, here is the proof you re-started this AFTER you said you were done. Dates and game names and links provided... once again you ask for proof AND I GAVE IT!! NOW YOU TRY AND ANSWER MY CHARGES!! lol, just cuz I emphasize how stupid you are, this must be how you think I get wound up... I am almost hurting myself laughing at how you so easily set yourself up. You just can't realize the truth is on my side here! wow... anyhow, here are a FEW examples. Starting ONE day after you said you were done ... 2010-03-30 00:19 ginli u loser http://www.wargear.net/games/view/14302 2010-04-01 17:44 ginli what a waster http://www.wargear.net/games/view/14546 and it continues for a while... so now that I have given proof AGAIN, it will be interesting to see how you avoid taking the responsibility yet again. But when you are such a loser, the expectations are pretty low, so I won't be disappointed with another pathetic effort.
#94 of 99
22nd Jun 2010 01:02
Message from Gimli
So you think it is classy and manly to win 3 on 2? You still have to address ALL of the following. Since it seems hard for you to find even though it was just days ago, here it is again! Better luck this time! for your convenience, here is a list of things you have to prove: - that I delayed taking my turns as you accused on the game board. Certainly a classless act you have yet to address. Prove it!!! - You have to demonstrate how saying you weren't going to post any more crap on my wall, then posting abuse/rudeness in other areas isn't rude or classless. - You say you have "proven" things. I've never seen it. You say I delete it: that can't be proven or disproven. Your lying word against my honest one. So when I asked weeks ago for you to post this "proof" no one has ever seen on your profile (where no one can supposedly delete it), you refuse. Because you have no proof of anything but your immaturity. - You accused me of equating education with class... you have yet to show where I did so. True you have little to show in reasoning, you spell like a 6 year old and your grammer gives headaches when people read it, and you act without the slightest hint of class, but just because you are a witless jackass doesn't mean I think uneducated people have no class. That was a pretty lame attack, but you can still try to prove it. But you never bothered because I already explained it... Here are the things I have proven: -YOU started the name calling (I have provided the quote a few times, it's in the game history if you care to look). Yet you claim that you have only responded to me. That doesn't make any sense when you started it... it's in the game messages, and I gave the exact quote before. The proof has been given and is there for all to see. - You also claimed you never lied to me... see the above where I caught you in a lie. And the lie you were caught in about having ever given proof. - That I did act with class, making a reasonable request with good reasons provided. I also offered in the game to join a proper 3 vs 3 game to make things right, and not deny anyone (including you!) the game they were looking for. You still have to prove how this is classless, as you have claimed I haven't show any. - You claim that you did not ever say you would stop writing on my wall. The proof of that has always been on my wall, and still is.
#93 of 99
22nd Jun 2010 01:01
Message from Gimli
hahaha... makes no sense... make a point retard, so I know just what stupidity to show the world next... for instance if you thought that I didn't know you were trying to say "too easy", let me know...
#92 of 99
20th Jun 2010 18:50
Message from Gimli
"lol to essy " lol!
#91 of 99
19th Jun 2010 05:29
Message from Genkiwi
OMG who is this Gimli player? He is also bagging you in the FORUMS!
#90 of 99
18th Jun 2010 15:18
Message from Gimli
So you think it is classy and manly to win 3 on 2? You still have to address ALL of the following. Since it seems hard for you to find even though it was just days ago, here it is again! Better luck this time! for your convenience, here is a list of things you have to prove: - that I delayed taking my turns as you accused on the game board. Certainly a classless act you have yet to address. Prove it!!! - You have to demonstrate how saying you weren't going to post any more crap on my wall, then posting abuse/rudeness in other areas isn't rude or classless. - You say you have "proven" things. I've never seen it. You say I delete it: that can't be proven or disproven. Your lying word against my honest one. So when I asked weeks ago for you to post this "proof" no one has ever seen on your profile (where no one can supposedly delete it), you refuse. Because you have no proof of anything but your immaturity. - You accused me of equating education with class... you have yet to show where I did so. True you have little to show in reasoning, you spell like a 6 year old and your grammer gives headaches when people read it, and you act without the slightest hint of class, but just because you are a witless jackass doesn't mean I think uneducated people have no class. That was a pretty lame attack, but you can still try to prove it. But you never bothered because I already explained it... Here are the things I have proven: -YOU started the name calling (I have provided the quote a few times, it's in the game history if you care to look). Yet you claim that you have only responded to me. That doesn't make any sense when you started it... it's in the game messages, and I gave the exact quote before. The proof has been given and is there for all to see. - You also claimed you never lied to me... see the above where I caught you in a lie. And the lie you were caught in about having ever given proof. - That I did act with class, making a reasonable request with good reasons provided. I also offered in the game to join a proper 3 vs 3 game to make things right, and not deny anyone (including you!) the game they were looking for. You still have to prove how this is classless, as you have claimed I haven't show any. - You claim that you did not ever say you would stop writing on my wall. The proof of that has always been on my wall, and still is.
#89 of 99
18th Jun 2010 15:17
Message from Gimli
Unlike you, I did go re-read things when prompted. All I hear is the sweet sound of justice ringing clear! Now maybe you can read and respond with PROOF PLEASE, just once!
#88 of 99
17th Jun 2010 14:17
Message from Gimli
Beaten? by what? I'm just following the logical analysis of your behaviour to a rational conclusion. As for being wound up, I said LONG ago that this is mostly for kicks. I've proven beyond any doubt my case, caught you in your lies and disproven all your random accusations. As for my first post back, that was AFTER you started the rudeness, name calling and lack of class. I guess you aren't smart enough to understand analogies and allegories. You throwing 3 small stones FIRST results in me throwing one back... why that is a surprise, or not justifiable to you just shows how stupid you are. So anyone with a smattering of intelligence would know this is mostly about kicks, just a bit about defending myself from your crap. So tell me what kind of person doesn't get a boost from 3 vs 2 victories. If it isn't a little girl like you, what kind is it? And learn to read you witless moron!
#87 of 99
16th Jun 2010 11:44
Message from Gimli
The fact that you don't even try to excuse your initiation of our friendly encounter shows you at least sub-consciously know you are all in the the wrong here... if only that could work its way to the part of your brain that matters! With eating and breathing, there probably isn't much space left in your brain for honesty, integrity, class or basic manners... and of course spelling and grammar!
#86 of 99
16th Jun 2010 11:42
Message from Gimli
Inaccuracies? PROVDE IT! Go re-re-re-read the game logs! Who started throwing the first stones, with false accusations, name calling and general rudeness? It is the same stupid child who was surprised that someone threw one back! So little girl, time to start answering those questions, time to respond to those posts. You've already embarassed yourself so much, but I thought you'd at least go down swinging and not whining that I nailed you in your lies! Take it like a man! Oh yeah, all you've got is "little girl" in you... nevermind!
#85 of 99
16th Jun 2010 11:42
Message from Gimli
Inaccuracies? PROVDE IT! Go re-re-re-read the game logs! Who started throwing the first stones, with false accusations, name calling and general rudeness? It is the same stupid child who was surprised that someone threw one back! So little girl, time to start answering those questions, time to respond to those posts. You've already embarassed yourself so much, but I thought you'd at least go down swinging and not whining that I nailed you in your lies! Take it like a man! Oh yeah, all you've got is "little girl" in you... nevermind!
#84 of 99
15th Jun 2010 13:54
Message from Gimli
Uhhh... so now i have to go through your latest retarded and off the mark post again, piece by piece? while for the umpteenth time you conveniently ingore the majority of my posts in order to protect your corrupted self-image? you are lame, but it is fun to make public how dumb you are, so here we go again! So you think it is classy and manly to win 3 on 2? If I knew you were so pathetic as to need the self-esteem boost of a hollow victory, I might have obliged. But I don't go around assuming people are pussies. I assumed you had some class and would want to play the real game 3 vs 3, like you signed up for. But if you get jollies from winning with the odds stacked for you, I guess that is just you... pathetic, weak and classless. I ALREADY EXPLAINED stupid wurzel that IT WAS NOT ABOUT WINNING! It was about being classy, not wasting one of the limited game slots for people without premium (which affected both sides). That was explained right in the game. If you knew anything about being a man, or a gentlemen, you'd value consideration for others. You still have to address why if I am so classless, I was offering to join a remake game? Just one of the many points you CONVENIENTLY fail to address. And I also ALREADY EXPLAINED that you did stop the abuse BUT ONLY ON MY WALL! Even stupid children who throw enough stones at someone should not be surprised when one finally gets thrown back!! But you seemed surprised! LMAO!! And what the hell are you talking about not using words in the dictionary. AGAIN, PROOF PLEASE! A note on law... as the accuser, the burden of proof is on you. You have lied about several things, already posted... such as saying I was delaying turns, etc. ALREADY POSTED! P.S. If I am King of the Faeries, I guess you have to start bowing to me...
#83 of 99
14th Jun 2010 19:38
Message from Gimli
I don't think you are allowed to tell ANYONE to speak English.... have you ever tried to read what you wrote back to yourself? can't you tell that is sounds like you have severe brain damage. You still have to address ALL of the following. Since it seems hard for you to find even though it was just days ago, here it is again! Better luck this time! for your convenience, here is a list of things you have to prove: - that I delayed taking my turns as you accused on the game board. Certainly a classless act you have yet to address. Prove it!!! - You have to demonstrate how saying you weren't going to post any more crap on my wall, then posting abuse/rudeness in other areas isn't rude or classless. - You say you have "proven" things. I've never seen it. You say I delete it: that can't be proven or disproven. Your lying word against my honest one. So when I asked weeks ago for you to post this "proof" no one has ever seen on your profile (where no one can supposedly delete it), you refuse. Because you have no proof of anything but your immaturity. - You accused me of equating education with class... you have yet to show where I did so. True you have little to show in reasoning, you spell like a 6 year old and your grammer gives headaches when people read it, and you act without the slightest hint of class, but just because you are a witless jackass doesn't mean I think uneducated people have no class. That was a pretty lame attack, but you can still try to prove it. But you never bothered because I already explained it... Here are the things I have proven: -YOU started the name calling (I have provided the quote a few times, it's in the game history if you care to look). Yet you claim that you have only responded to me. That doesn't make any sense when you started it... it's in the game messages, and I gave the exact quote before. The proof has been given and is there for all to see. - You also claimed you never lied to me... see the above where I caught you in a lie. And the lie you were caught in about having ever given proof. - That I did act with class, making a reasonable request with good reasons provided. I also offered in the game to join a proper 3 vs 3 game to make things right, and not deny anyone (including you!) the game they were looking for. You still have to prove how this is classless, as you have claimed I haven't show any. - You claim that you did not ever say you would stop writing on my wall. The proof of that has always been on my wall, and still is.
#82 of 99
13th Jun 2010 12:38
Message from Gimli
you have tried to address one of the many charges against you, which is thoroughly debunked. Time to try again. Answer or address the rest. Tell me how I was classless BEFORE you started name calling, being classless and lying?
#81 of 99
12th Jun 2010 11:32
Message from Gimli
between the 2 of you, it was 2 turns. learn to read. I said it was both of you. IDIOT!!! The 2 comments were spaced apart. Suggests speaking of different turns. Even if it wasn't, it doesn't matter much... point is still the same. Lying 4 times is not better than lying 3 times. IDIOT!!!
#80 of 99
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