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wael wael is offline now
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Player #11121
Joined WarGear 6th Sep 2011
Last Visit 10th Oct 2013 01:26
Country United States
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Global Ranking Score 1947 (#129)
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H Rating 69%
Average turn time 3 minutes 26.877292132547s
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14th Aug 2013 18:21
Message from RutZilla
I do not believe this wael is lucky...either a hack or code cheat of some sort...my clock always times out and I play quick...that is a cheat imo...I get booted more times than not with this hack...btw...I have reported him 2x for last game...really torqued me off...same with me...play it again to see if it is a fluke...not...so cheating hack...imo...69%...gag me with a spoon...lol
#18 of 18
27th Jul 2013 14:09
Message from WarGirl
I was beating him on the 30 second Fischer clock and he surrendered before the game was done. poor sportsmanship but I do love the fast games.
#17 of 18
9th Jul 2013 19:40
Message from Willy Wonka
fun player, although 30s fischer clock is tough to adjust to! Great strategy!
#16 of 18
18th Jun 2013 17:15
Message from Sim88
pffff hope you feel proud of yourself abusing the clock like that.
#15 of 18
5th Jun 2013 17:37
Message from dirkiebush
How can you play a fischer game with no minutes on the clock?
#14 of 18
4th Jun 2013 16:10
Message from mick2412
out of 39 games I have won 4. nothing to do with speed of game I just cant believe the how I am wiped out so easiy
#13 of 18
23rd May 2013 11:42
Message from FuzzyGrumpkin
lol...one hell of a strategy. wish you could see how many games were won through booted opponents.
#12 of 18
14th Mar 2013 11:40
Message from suax
time and time again, this guy just keeps rolling super incredible dice, like you already have a big advantage and the only way you could lose is if he gets INCREDIBLY LUCKY. And lo and behold, turn after turn he suddenly starts killing everything without losing any significant amount of troops. So you think he couldn't possibly be THAT LUCKY, and decide to play against him again. Coz maybe this around, the dice would be more even and you actually get a fair shot of winning. But you're mistaken, the entire same thing happens all over again. Then I come and check his wall and everybody else has the same comment and opinion. jeez! wow! Does Wargear provide a career luck stat for each player and not just on a per game basis, but for the entire duration a player has been a member of Wargear? This statistic would be a great feature. At least calling someone as lucky or unlucky spanning multiple games wouldn't be so subjective.
#11 of 18
14th Mar 2013 11:17
Message from suax
@ Wargirl: That's happened to me too. And the thing is, its against a guy (he shall remain anonymous) who I always play against with with normal settings. So i don't check the settings anymore when I see his name. But to make it worse, the game that that person created was a custom (10s) fischer clock. If you think 30s is hard, just imagine how it was like playing 10s. It's nonsense. By the time the board loaded, I already skipped my turn. So basically I really just got booted without even being able to play.
#10 of 18
11th Feb 2013 20:33
Message from Arete
@ WarGirl : it's not a "strategy" it's part of the rules of a game. Yes, you should know them before agreeing to them. I enjoy the quick pace as it adds its own element to the game.
#9 of 18
26th Dec 2012 12:05
Message from WarGirl
Interesting strategy to set up a custom (30s) Fischer clock. I'll have to be more careful when accepting a game.
#8 of 18
6th Dec 2012 11:08
Message from AEndeVouR
#7 of 18
4th Dec 2012 19:02
Message from jinjitsue
was fun but i lost every battle in that gme and you didnt lose a one
#6 of 18
4th Oct 2012 11:19
Message from renjason
GG. I only won that one because of some seriously lucky dice. Thanks for the quick game!
#5 of 18
3rd Oct 2012 13:49
Message from suax
incredibly lucky guy
#4 of 18
13th Aug 2012 16:09
Message from Andernut
You have stellar dice good sir!
#3 of 18
18th Jun 2012 13:58
Message from renjason
Sorry for leaving that game. I got an important phone call.
#2 of 18
3rd Feb 2012 19:59
Message from renjason
thanks for the 2 minute game. We should do that one again!
#1 of 18
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