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StepOnMe StepOnMe is offline now
Rank Private Private
Membership Type Standard
Player #2330
Joined WarGear 3rd Mar 2010
Last Visit 22nd Oct 2010 18:49
Country United States
Championship Points 1 (#695)
Global Ranking Score 810 (#3621)
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Team Score 1072
H Rating 37%
Average turn time 9 hours 49m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (4)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (0)
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StepOnMe's Achievements

  • Fighter (Play 100 Public Games)
  • Mostly Harmless (Win 10 Public Games)
  • Team Expert (Play 10 Public Team Games)
  • Combat Buddy (Win One Public Team Game)
  • Tinkerer (Created a board)
  • Contributor (Post 10 comments on the discussion board)
  • Explorer (Play games on 50 different boards)
  • Elder (Had an account for > 3 years)
  • Buddied Up (Friended by 10 Players)
  • Double Winstreak (Win 2 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
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  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
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One thing I hate about playing is that I like to prove the dice wrong when they cheat me.

I'm just your run-of-the-mill player who likes to have fun while playing and enjoys a good challenge every now and then, and I think my ranking would agree with me.

My Disc Wars board is on hold for now to allow me to clear my mind...and for moving purposes since I've lived where I'm at for 3 years and have a lot of stuff to sort/dump/etc.

StepOnMe's Wall

Pages:   1   (1 in total)
6th Sep 2010 21:57
Message from CiscoKid
Happy Birthday!
#11 of 11
29th Aug 2010 03:11
Message from CiscoKid
Way to win partner!
#10 of 11
28th Jul 2010 07:48
Message from Master Bratac
The Showcase Showdown tournament only needs two more players! Do you want to rejoin?
#9 of 11
8th Jun 2010 03:45
Message from Amidon37
The basics are good on Disc Wars. Just some tweaking. Suggestions 1) Have the card scale escalate instead of repeating. Armies start running scarce at the end. 2) Perhaps have the discs not able to attack the center ring. This would give people three safe places to stash armies - center ring, outer ring and disc. 3) I think the bonus structure is unbalanced between the rings and the discs. Owning your disc and the center ring outweighs what ever is going on with the rest of the rings -losing them is no big deal bonus army wise. how about knocking the +7's down to +3's and the +/-3's down to +/-2's. Then maybe the cards you have would be fine. I like the way the attacks and fortifies are set up. Especially with the limits one the territories - you can attack and fortify to it and attack again. That takes planning. So you definitely want to keep it so that the limits on the countries are still limiting - so maybe my suggestion on reducing the bonus should be reversed and up the bonuses on the rings. How about if each ring was +1 along with the center? That way you lost your bonuses as people moved in on you, but they don't get them until they take your center. Or maybe each of the outer 2 is +1 and each of the next two are +2, each along with the center. Those are my thoughts right now. Take care -
#8 of 11
27th May 2010 14:09
Message from RiskyBack
We won that Big World Hordes! Map! If it weren't for you getting all aggressive and taking that CC Yertle and I never would have been able to mop up. You basically cleared everyone out away from us and put the CC's in play and that was great. Being eliminated was actually a great help because we took out 2 other players who were fighting for your CC. Thanks and always a pleasure playing with you!
#7 of 11
23rd May 2010 21:42
Message from Amidon37
It's not going well. It's just not working. There doesn't seem to be any reason to do anything but attack an outer ring with a T and move in. Here is what I suggest trying: 1) Dramatically lower the starting units. Keep in mind people will get an initial bonus also. 2) No fog. (Personal preference, maybe that doesn't matter.) 3) Unlimited attacks. 4) Create an overlapping bonus structure that radiates out from the center of the ring. Something like the center is +1, center and first inner ring another +1, Center and first two inner rings are another +1, etc. out to the end. 5) Make the artillery attacks to the inner rings have an advantage with attacking. Try d8. 6) May want to have the starting units have more in the center and decrease out to the outer ring also. Then people will use the artillery attacks to soften up/take away the bonus of other players before going to the outer ring and moving in. (At least in theory.) I don't know if any of that will work or not, but that is what I have been thinking.
#6 of 11
21st May 2010 00:30
Message from Amidon37
I created another game for Disc Wards to try out your changes. Let the first one play out. And don't give up on figuring out the game play for the board. Eventually it will come together. You're trying for a really different board so it will take time to figure it out.
#5 of 11
22nd Mar 2010 04:15
Message from IRoll11s
Hey you don't know me but I heard of you, you must be a legend! A belated welcome to WG =]
#4 of 11
13th Mar 2010 03:11
Message from Gimli
#3 of 11
4th Mar 2010 14:05
Message from Yertle
Awesome! Glad to see you here!
#2 of 11
3rd Mar 2010 10:08
Message from Yertle
As in THE StepOnMe?!
#1 of 11
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