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Cartographer Cartographer is offline now
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Player #2
Joined WarGear 13th Jun 2009
Last Visit 23rd Aug 2020 21:46
Country United States
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22nd Jan 2012 16:56
Message from Andros
Love classic risk map.I started thread http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/2032/New_board_or_scenario and emailed yertle/support about wanting to design similar map with different rules, however most think the best way forward is to create scenarios for current boards. My question is would you create scenario for wargear warfare with turn based initial setup. I realise we could only play realtime but I feel this would eliminate some of the luck and be more tactical. Would we have neutrals? obviously necessary in 2p but not so in 3p. Other rules could stay the same. Could we have a cards setup that reset after a while so it doesnt keep ncreasing. upto you. The turn based initial setup was key factor. Thanks Andros
#6 of 6
10th Dec 2009 10:58
Message from Yertle
Broken borders noted by Nikolai and paulharrow have been fixed!
#5 of 6
9th Dec 2009 04:22
Message from paulharrow
Hi Carto, there's a broken border on your Europe map between the red and light blue territories where it says "Russia" and the last bit of "Lithuania". Might be the same border reported by Nikolai, I'm not sure. thanks.
#4 of 6
2nd Dec 2009 23:08
Message from Nikolai
FYI: There's a broken border in your Europe map between Orleans and Crespy.
#3 of 6
28th Nov 2009 10:49
Message from Cumberdale
Hi there, looks like you've been doing some pretty cool stuff here. I'm playing a game on the maze board right now, and it kind of struck me that maybe you should use the fortify feature of "anything" connected can be fortified to. with unlimited fortify's that's pretty much happening anyways, so using that feature could speed up the game quite a bit! Just a thought. On the other hand, some people might be too lazy to move all their units around, so maybe this works too...
#2 of 6
7th Nov 2009 04:05
Message from Doom
Hello. Are you one of Tom's friends? Are you on Warfish as well?
#1 of 6
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