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  1. #1 / 276
    Standard Member Vataro
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    Yes, one of these threads. I'm interested to learn a little more about the people I play with/against. Great way for new members of the community to get involved as well. Feel free to share as much or as little information as you want.

    I go by Vataro for pretty much anything I do online. I used to play MMOs a lot (FFXI, WoW), but quit a few years ago to focus on school. Now I play more single player games, particularly RPGs, but also play a fair bit of Heroes of Newerth, which is very similar to DotA in the WC3 engine if anyone is familiar with that.

    As for real life, I'm finishing up my first year in grad school for Chemistry. I currently live with my girlfriend of 4 years, and am otherwise pretty happy with my life.

    Give a man fire and he's warm for a day... but set him on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.

  2. #2 / 276
    Factory Worker Edward Nygma
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    I like this idea a lot.

    I'm a 22 year old undergraduate student at Indiana University studying Telecommunications. When I'm not in school or making maps I am making music with my casual band, and socializing.

  3. #3 / 276
    Enginerd weathertop
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    ok, fine, i'll pitch in.

    i left the 7 years of college waaay behind. been out for almost ten years now. Yes that puts me in the low to mid 30s. graduated with an aerospace degree and went to work at NASA in houston. hated houston, tho loved the job (how could you not?!) and moved back to iowa. i've got two kids, i hunt as much as i can (so yes anyone thinking about exploiting previous comment see this one), read as much fantasy/sci-fi as i can while listening to pink floyd and the blues. as you can see by my avatar/username my two favorite fantasy worlds are LOTR and SW.

    I am a man.
    I can change,
    If I have to...
    I guess


  4. #4 / 276
    Standard Member RiskyBack
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    I try not to exist in the Real World as I loath people and hate small talk.  I get annoyed easily.  I'm older than people think and act much younger than someone 10 years my Junior.  I've been playing Online Risk for about 3 1/2 years and am pretty tired of the standard maps (aside from a few) and so I design ones with different gameplay just to try to keep me interested in playing.  You might not like my designs, but you should at least try them as you may be looking for something new yourself.

    In Real Life I am not an overly friendly person but here I'm ok until I get annoyed.  Feel free to chat with me, I'm sure I'll at least come up with something mildly funny in retort.  I read about 2-3 books a week on my Kindle (may I never touch paper again) so if you are into Sci-Fi, Fantasy or any of that ilk and are looking for a good book, tell me what you are looking for and I can probably make a suggestion or 6.

    I am a failed author as I can't ever meet my own expectations, a failed Stand Up Comic as I could not always meet my audiences expectations (ask me about being booed off stage, it's a good story) and a single guy who will often make jokes about his Ex-girlfriends.  I'm a HUGE baseball fan (Go White Sox) and have a degrees in Physical Anthropology, History, Philosophy and English and so with that resume I have a pointless office job where I play Wargear all day and dream about being home watching TV and sleeping.

    Fav Maps:

    Midieval Europe by Red Baron

    Castles by Reich

    Wargear Quest by Raptor

    Salem's Dusk by Cumberdale (may it one day be released here)

    and Wargear: The Gathering by ME (try it, you might like it)


    Also, I'm kind of a big deal

    The Status is NOT quo

  5. #5 / 276
    Where's the armor? Mongrel
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    Finishing a math PhD at IU, and real world friends with Nygma. In fact a lot of regulars were brought to WF per my suggestion (Nygma, Midnight Society, Alpha, Bratac, DVR, Tuley (who went to Colorado and invited Hugh and others). I'm RL friends with other players, but Nygma is the only one still within short driving distance.

    I used to have hobbies other than investing in a risk clone site, but finishing a dissertation and finding an academic job have stripped all those joys away. Though I'm not at all unhappy with where I am or what I've done in my 28 years of living. Bloomington IN, surprisingly, is a fantastic little college town, and it will be a sad day when I leave. Who can REALLY say they like everything about where they are living?

    My dream is to teach at a university, carrying on some research I find interesting but not too aggravating (right now it's just aggravating), and growing tomatoes in a log cabin I built. Think of it as being the unabomber- replacing "bombs" with "tomatoes" and "subverting the environmentally damaging tenants of modernization" with "enjoying life the way I want to".

    So risky, I do love me some stand-up, and you seem like a Bill Hicks type. Whenever you're ready with that booed off-stage story...

  6. #6 / 276
    Where's the armor? Mongrel
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    Oops sorry Hugh if you didn't want that out there...

  7. #7 / 276
    Where's the armor? Mongrel
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    But the fact that you're a math person should be clear by now...

  8. #8 / 276
    Standard Member Hugh
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    Hugh - math Phd and damn proud of it ;) so, not a problem Mongrel - I actually love Bill Hicks, and man alive Risky, could you believe that Buehrle play yesterday? Current love is the Rox, but that was madness. Anyway, math and baseball are top priorities in life. This is a source of guilt as my gf seems to think getting a job should somehow trump these two things.

    Got drawn into the online Risk clone fun about 3 years ago, have enjoyed it pretty much all the way through. I love to think about most anything, so this provides a good source of things to think about that have nothing to do with anything.

  9. #9 / 276
    They see me rollin' IRoll11s
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    OK I'll play.

    36 years old, went to Drexel U. for engineering. Notice I didn't say graduated. Left to go into coding back when they were throwing 6 figures at anyone who could put the letters H T M and L together. Got bored. Took helicopter flight lessons. Started a contracting business. Went into estate cleanouts and ebay sales / auction house auctions.

    I'm the type that can fit into just about any social or work situation, a generalist in the era of specialists. I've been a hippy drug addict, a 1 year football jock, a mathlete, a buddhist, a gardener, a temporary father to a 12 year old girl (scary that, eh?), an ignostic, a cyclist.. you get the idea. Been all of that, but was never really 'into' anything like some people get into things. Oh well. I've been accused of lack of ambition and commitment and I guess that's true. It's so easy for me to pick up 90% of something that to all in seems like a waste of time when there's other things to do.

    So I'm into this online Risk thing, but honestly more interested in seeing what I can help code for the site at the moment. Eventually the intellectual challenge will be gone and I'll simply disappear and go do something else. Doesn't mean I don't love you guys =]

    -John Hancock-

  10. #10 / 276
    Major General asm asm is offline now
    Standard Member asm
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    Alright. I'm a full-time student at Cal State Hayward going for my bachelor's in business administration/economics. I'm older than that though given that I've been pursuing a bachelor's on and off for going on 12 years now. I deliver pizza to make ends meet.

    I'm mostly into sports, drinking and the Red Sox. I manage an adult co-ed kickball team.

    I've always been the kind of guy that's smarter than the athletic guys and more athletic than the smart guys, more socially adept than the nerdy folks but better at math than children. Show me a group of people that's good at something, and I'll be passable at what they're good at but better than all of them at something else.

    It's a trap!

  11. #11 / 276
    Standard Member bengaltiger
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    I'm working on a double BS (more BS is always good, right?) in physics and mechanical engineering at Oregon State University. Graduating in June (yay!), and also getting married in June (yikes!).

    As far as hobbies, they are numerous but we'll see how many of them survive my looming domestication. Motorcycling, fly fishing, woodworking, etc. Oh, and of course online risk!

  12. #12 / 276
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    I eat the whole apple.

    ...danger zone...!

  13. #13 / 276
    Standard Member bengaltiger
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    Cramchakle wrote: I eat the whole apple.


  14. #14 / 276
    Standard Member Norseman
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    I grew up in upstate New York, but I headed west to California to go to college in Silicon Valley.  I stayed in the area after graduation, and I've been working for five years as a controls engineer (sort of a mix of electrical, mechanical, and software).

    I've been playing Risk online since October.  I also enjoy home brewing (so far just ales, but I'm planning on getting into lagers), European-style board games (my favorites at the moment are Power Grid and Dominion), social dancing with my wife (swing, hustle, salsa, etc.), and role-playing games (played WoW for years, but now I've gone pen-and-paper and am playing D&D).

  15. #15 / 276
    Premium Member Yertle
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    I'm 25 and live in Kansas City with my wife of 3 years and our 2 kids (2 year old son (name after the guy that beat the snot out of Robin Ventura) and 1 year old daughter). I have a Biology degree and currently write requirements and test plans for a company that develops healthcare systems.

    Started playing online Risk a couple of years ago, other than that I'm normally spending time with the family. Eerily similar to asm in regards to athletics and such, makes my wife mad that I'm normally adept at most anything (except for Wii Sports Boxing, but I think that's just because I'm too fast for it :)). Also enjoy reading (sci-fi, religious, science) and rarely watch any TV. And, baseball is better than every other sport BY FAR, with Cardinals leading the baseball awesomeness factor.

    Jesus Christ is a huge role in our lives as well, we're involved with our Church, but really delving into not being a "christian" but being a follower of Christ and allowing Him to live through us. Still seeking a lot, and always up for a good discussion!

    Easter - The celebration of death, of resurrection, of life, and of a promise fulfilled.

  16. #16 / 276
    Standard Member Vataro
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    Norseman wrote:

    I grew up in upstate New York, but I headed west to California to go to college in Silicon Valley.  I stayed in the area after graduation, and I've been working for five years as a controls engineer (sort of a mix of electrical, mechanical, and software).

    I've been playing Risk online since October.  I also enjoy home brewing (so far just ales, but I'm planning on getting into lagers), European-style board games (my favorites at the moment are Power Grid and Dominion), social dancing with my wife (swing, hustle, salsa, etc.), and role-playing games (played WoW for years, but now I've gone pen-and-paper and am playing D&D).

    A fellow grad student got me into Dominion a few months ago and I'm hooked. I currently own the original and Intrigue, and will probably get Alchemy when it comes out.

    I actually have people over about every other weekend to just spend a few hours playing.

    Give a man fire and he's warm for a day... but set him on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.

  17. #17 / 276
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    So, we've got a crew made up entirely of Renaissance Men, mostly with multiple degrees or graduate degrees, who like to play various games, are better athletes than the average folks, a cynical streak, and maybe a developing ego problem.

    And, coincidentally, now I've written my own profile. Thanks, everyone!

    ...danger zone...!

  18. #18 / 276
    Hyper-Geek Raptor
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    Ok, my turn. With the possible exception of the lovable curmudgeon, I may be the old man of the group as I am screaming up on 4 decades of solar rotation.
    By day I am an underpaid Systems Administrator. I love my coworkers and my job of 13 years.
    I grew up in Denver but came to Kansas for school. Eventually finding my people in the Midwest, I settled in the suburbs of Kansas City (interesting what you learn when the virtual veil is dropped, eh Yertle)
    I married a homecoming queen and am the father of two. Soccer coach, Cubmaster and children’s taxi driver.
    I am a rabid KU Jayhawks fan and a follower of both Denver and KC sports teams but can’t attest to being much of an athlete.
    I love to listen to progressive rock and will make unsolicited suggestions at the drop of a hat. Go ahead ask.
    Gaming…I am old school. I still have my original first printing D&D rule book and Risk with wooden pieces. My board WarGear Quest is based on a 1979 Avalon Hill board game (thanks for the plug Risky).
    I finally achieved the rank of Hyper-Geek as I was cruising down K-10 after 9 hours of fixing computers listening to Dream Theater on the radio, drinking Mountain Dew and on my way to an overnight session of D&D. I was 35. WarGear was an easy transition.

    In the end, all things are squishy.

  19. #19 / 276
    Standard Member Slimer
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    Well, The slimer resides in St.louis and I do agree with Yertle GO CARDS but also BLUES and RAMS. Im 27 and work with a few people on this board (whos names I wont mention in case they want to keep it a secret). I work at a major car rental company in there IT field. I am married and have a 6 year old daughter and 7 month old daughter. A dog and a cat

    Looking forward to the release of Ghostbusters 3 ;)

  20. #20 / 276
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    Raptor wrote:
    I love to listen to progressive rock and will make unsolicited suggestions at the drop of a hat. Go ahead ask.

    So much for unsolicited.

    ...danger zone...!

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