218 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 9
    Premium Member Pratik
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    Hi folks,

    I just joined the the forum last week.
    Been playing a few private games with people I know from elsewhere.
    The down time and being booted from a 10 minute live game wasn't the best introduction, but that is besides the point.
    Getting used to the forum, and am enjoying several of the features.

    Have a few questions

    - (WarGear Warfare board): The rules say "Must capture non-empty territory to earn card: Off". By my experience this is on. i.e. You must capture a territory to get a card. I've tried this in several games, and believe that the rule is stated incorrectly for this board. Can anyone else confirm?
    - While playing a game, is the log feature very buggy (while viewing the log and the map together)? I have noticed more times than one that when a player places armies, the numbers in the map are significantly inflated. For example, the last time I saw it happen(a few minutes ago), a player placed three armies in a territory which already had three armies, and it showed a total of 12 armies instead of 6 (was back to 6 once I moved further in the log). Is this a problem others have faced?


  2. #2 / 9
    Standard Member Korrun
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    Welcome Pratik! Glad to have you here.

    Unfortunately server downtime happens sometimes. Thankfully, it happens very rarely and Tom can usually take care of it promptly.

    Question #1: That is a very strange bug. I've never noticed it before. It should say "Must capture non-empty territory to earn card: On" (most boards are set to on). It appears to be showing the correct value on other boards, but not WGWF (WarGear Warfare).

    Question #2: There have been ongoing problems with the native player and its board explorer and history viewer. Post a link to the game in the Support Area of the Forum and hopefully that will help Tom track down the bugs.

    In the meantime, sometimes a page refresh will help. Otherwise you can always use the history feature in the Flash version of the player. It should work correctly.

  3. #3 / 9
    Enginerd weathertop
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    Q1: that only applies to 'abandon' games, this is where you can leave the territory empty of units, but still maintain control of the territory. Wargear Warfare does not allow abandon (that i know of), and thus can ignore that rule. 

    Q2: there is some flakiness with the history of the game. We're always on the lookout for more that can be fixed.

    One specifically that is known and doesn't have a fix for: is that when viewing the log/history, BEFORE doing anything else, move back a turn (turn arrows in the player or arrow keys). then you can continue on without mishaps

    I'm a man.
    But I can change,
    if I have to,
    I guess...
    Edited Thu 15th Dec 12:58 [history]

  4. #4 / 9
    Enginerd weathertop
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    Korrun wrote:

    Post a link to the game in the Support Area of the Forum and hopefully that will help Tom track down the bugs.

    This is always a good idea for whenever you're posting about a particular game. Just copy the information from the address bar and paste it in your query (eg. http://www.wargear.net/games/player/XXXXXX)


    I'm a man.
    But I can change,
    if I have to,
    I guess...

  5. #5 / 9
    Premium Member Pratik
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    Thanks for the quick reply folks.

    As for the second question, I've reported the same in the suggestions in the support forum.

    For the sake of completeness, this is the game where I last noticed the issue: http://www.wargear.net/games/player/547844


    Can everyone see private games if you have the link or only admins?

  6. #6 / 9
    Standard Member AfroDaby
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    Yes, we can all view them if we have the link

  7. #7 / 9
    Standard Member AfroDaby
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    Also, welcome to the site!

  8. #8 / 9
    Enginerd weathertop
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    AfroDaby wrote: Yes, we can all view them if we have the link

    assuming none of these are true:
    - they're not ongoing fog games - we can't view live fog games until they've completed 

    - they're not boards where the history has been turned off - again should be able to see once the game is completed

    I'm a man.
    But I can change,
    if I have to,
    I guess...

  9. #9 / 9
    Premium Member Pratik
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    Thanks all Smile


    Will see you folks around (once I start playing public games)

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