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  1. #1 / 11
    Standard Member hallix00
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    Wil someone please give me some tips on how to win!!??  i never seem to win so assuming im doing something really wrong?   HELP!!

  2. #2 / 11
    Standard Member RiskyBack
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    Watch games that you have lost after they are done and learn from mistakes

    Pick 1 map and concentrate on that one for a few games.  The better you know the map, the better you'll know how to win it.

    Sometimes attacking isn't always your best option and early cards aren't very important.

    These are somethings that I have learned and done.  Granted, I'm not the best ranked player because I play emotional and require revenge all the time, but I do alright.  I know my mistakes and I continue to make them because I'm here to have fun and winning is just a bonus.  However, losing sucks balls.

    Join the Cult of RiskyBack...it's fun and the Kool Aid is YUMMY!

  3. #3 / 11
    Colonel M57 M57 is offline now
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    RiskyBack wrote:

    Watch games that you have lost after they are done and learn from mistakes

    Watch the histories of games played by the best players, win or lose.. 


    It should be possible to play WG boards in real-time ..without the wait, regardless of how many are playing.

  4. #4 / 11
    Standard Member Hugh
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    I looked at some turns you took in some public games. One thing that stands out is this: When you attack, you are using the "2" and "1" buttons too often. That's a recipe for disaster.

    Attacks with 2 dice or 1 die succeed much less often than attacks with 3 dice. Hands off the "2" and "1" button unless you have a really good reason. Getting a card on the first move of a game is not a good enough reason. Forego the card. Not wanting to transfer all your units to a bad spot is an even worse reason to use those buttons. Preserve your armies, use "3" almost exclusively.

    e^ix=cos x + i*sin x. Tell your friends.

  5. #5 / 11
    Prime Amidon37
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    Some nice articles on playing here



    I also so what Hugh saw.  It looks like you are in the "I'll win this battle no matter what" frame of mind and don't consider what the board will be like when you are done.  If you win, but leave a couple of territories with 1's on it they will get scooped by the next player.  Better to play conservatively early.

  6. #6 / 11
    Standard Member RiskyBack
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    M57 wrote:
    RiskyBack wrote:

    Watch games that you have lost after they are done and learn from mistakes

    Watch the histories of games played by the best players, win or lose.. 


    So we Half agree on something...that's progress!

    Join the Cult of RiskyBack...it's fun and the Kool Aid is YUMMY!

  7. #7 / 11
    Standard Member hallix00
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    Thanks for your replys guys, will take all onboard...


    Any more advice always gratefully accepted!  

  8. #8 / 11
    Prime Amidon37
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    One more of my basic strategies -

    Don't take a continent if you are pretty sure someone else is just going to take it from you.  One of your main goals is to get your opponents to fight each other and leave you alone.  Owning a continent puts a big target on you.

  9. #9 / 11
    Standard Member soft wizard
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    There are some general math/stats-related things that help in this game, but more than you might think is psychological. And a LOT of it is positioning and timing and understanding risk/reward.

    When there is an opportunity to win the game, go win the game.

    When you do not have the opportunity to win the game, do not do anything to lose the game/give somebody else an opportunity to win.


    Be very careful about appearing threatening at the wrong time.


    Be very careful about appearing weak around overly aggressive players. This may require spreading yourself out in seemingly suboptimal ways for a while just to make it harder to get taken out.


    Don't try to do too much at once.


    Don't play me against me now that you know all my secrets. It just wouldn't be very nice!

  10. #10 / 11
    Standard Member Luieuil
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    First try not to lose, from there on try to win.

    Determine a strategie and reevaluate it every single turn.

    Justify all your moves from a strategie point of view. Not from an emotional point of view.

    Try to learn from players who beat you and try to find out what you should have done to prevent that happening.

    Try to understand why your opponents do things they do. Only if you can spot their abilities you can grow yourselve.



    P.s. Don't boot.

    Edited Sat 19th May 10:53 [history]

  11. #11 / 11
    Standard Member Global Dictator
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    I know i'm a complete newb here and i've lost all my games except one lol but here's what i've learned #1- Only attack when you have 3....2s and 1s always fail for me

    #2- Make sure to keep 2-3 units on every territory cuz even if you have 1 point with say 5-7 guys and u don't protect ur other territories(they all have 1) then the second they break through that defense like all ur territories with 1s are screwed

    #3- Never get too arrogant i almost won on a board once i had the US and a bunch of other places the enemy just had Austrailia and Africa... I got arrogant and instead of keeping myself well defended constantly kept attacking... my enemy built up a force broke through my only defense and somehow got all the way into the US and that took away my bonus and from there on i just kept on losing until i was done for

    #4- I like to always try to attack and get at least one thing so i get a card but in the beginning try to just focus on fortifying ur postions those cards don't become worth it till later also try to save up like all 5 cards until ur forced to use them that way u get the most out of them and u might get lucky win a match and get 2 turns with big reinforcements

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