206 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating: 6.50 out of 10 based on 16 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


26 Aug 2020
Reviewed by Da Champ  Good
Fun change of pace. Takes a game to get your sea legs but definitely a fun experience.
#16 of 16
23 May 2017
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Average
I agree with other reviewers that the layout is unbalanced. Having said that, I've seen one player use a bad position to their advantage and be able to sweep the game, so even a potentially bad start can have its own opportunistic strategy. Although I don't love the gameplay, it's a visually appealing board, and plan to come back to it sometime.
#15 of 16
9 Apr 2017
Reviewed by Litotes  Fair
This board looks unbalanced to me. Starting position more important than I'd like. If an opponent starts of with the top right boat and lucky dice there's not much you can do to recover. But it's a nice idea for a board.
#14 of 16
7 Feb 2014
Reviewed by ratsy  Poor
I've only played 5 or 6 times, so forgive me, but I find it hard to do anything but kamikazi or die on this board. Starting position is a big factor, the loss to neutral is high, dice play a giant part, I don't see varied strategies and It's a super quick game everytime.

I think with some more thought and balancing it could turn into a good game.
#13 of 16
25 Jan 2014
Reviewed by AJMadness  Great
The board plays differently with and without fog (with requires more luck)....starting position can be an issue, but the real problem on this board is the quality of the opponents. Anyone can win or lose a game late because of a bad move by an opponent, but on this board especially without fog, 1 or 2 players who have no idea how to play it can cost you the game in 3 turns without ever having taken a move. I am fine with that, but it is a reason to not give this a 9 or 10...I would like to play with 4 players who know exactly how to play the game, that could be interesting.
#12 of 16
21 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Superman  Great
This board is fun.
#11 of 16
1 Dec 2013
Reviewed by Kancercakes  Fair
Defineately a quick game board. Not as much strategy to it as I would prefer but the big elimination bonus speaks to it being a quick elimination type board. Advantage to the top right and bottom boat. Would like to see the cards increase to allow people to come back should 1 player screw it up and get killed early, with the big elimination bonus you would likely want to remove card capture if you did this.
#10 of 16
12 Jan 2012
Reviewed by Mad Bomber  Superb
Full fog is not my favorite, but this board uses it very well. FUN when you win, yet frustrating when you lose because the history is fogged(the screen...not the action)
#9 of 16
22 Aug 2011
Reviewed by Slowdog  Great
This is a sweet board. It's like a surfboard-sized lik-m-aid.
#8 of 16
11 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Lantern  Great
the graphics are great! I believe the people that start at the top boat or bottom boat have a big advantage, but still alot of fun! Would definitely play this board again.
#7 of 16
1 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Kjeld  Great
It may be unfair for some starting locations, but it's still awesome! Start from your crab boat and catch as many as you can as fast as you can, but be careful, because some other fisherman has his eye on your haul, and will soon come calling to steal it all. The trick to this game is striking hard and fast -- don't relent! -- and always trying to guess where your opponents are hiding out. You need lady luck by your side more so than with other maps, but just have fun and roll with the waves!
#6 of 16
23 Oct 2010
Reviewed by Mongrel  Good
Seems to be some favorable starts, though the board is quick enough so that you don't have to pay for it with turn after mind-numbing turn. Having to figure out connections by constantly going to the design tab is annoying. That said, I still had fun playing it, so there must be that undefined something about the map.
#5 of 16
22 Sep 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Good
I like the idea behind the hidden territories and bonuses, even if WG doesn't really support it (you can see the bonuses in the Design tab). Definitely a daring little board that also happens to be reasonably playable.
#4 of 16
11 Sep 2010
Reviewed by KrocK  Average
Just like crab fishing! Plan your route, set a few traps, and hope for some good luck!
#3 of 16
21 Aug 2010
Reviewed by Sff75  Bad
#2 of 16
19 Aug 2010
Reviewed by rubbermonkey  Fair
this board doesnt seem to be balanced... a few ships have a small chance of winning... i could be wrong..
#1 of 16