203 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.38 out of 10 based on 16 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


7 May 2021
Reviewed by Eggs54  Great
What a nice board this is! Of course winning my very first encounter on it does help me to make that statement, but still....!
I'll be back!
#17 of 17
25 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Pappy  Good
Like a good horde game anytime
#16 of 17
29 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Stalinski  Average
Being from Chicago I have to give it some extra love, but I haven't come back to this board very much, so I take that as a sign.
#15 of 17
24 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Big Skin  Great
I'm partial to Chicago! But even so, the board is interesting.
#14 of 17
4 Nov 2012
Reviewed by Luieuil Unrated
Very nice board. The combination of hordes and continents makes this board great. The board is easy accesibly because of the beercans, which are connected throughtout whole the board. I've seen the game play out in very different ways. Can be fast or slow. Best played with light fog.
#13 of 17
22 Aug 2012
Reviewed by Vindicare  Good
It is good.
#12 of 17
28 Jun 2011
Reviewed by Red1  Good
Nice board. I lke the idea of it. It would be nice to see dark lines to show you the bonuses. I guess they are alort like the hoards bonuses.

Good Job fun to play.
#11 of 17
9 Jun 2011
Reviewed by BorisTheFrugal  Superb
Being born and raised Chicagoan gives this board a special place in my heart. I love hoardes style boards, although I'm not very good at them. Speakeasy jump points give a great twist on the standard hoardes style, especially on a map that would otherwise feel like it has chokepoints at the bridges.
#10 of 17
21 May 2011
Reviewed by mrneoluddite  Superb
great layout, good choke-points as well as "tunnels." Just wish i had won it.
#9 of 17
19 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Shooter  Good
I like it but can't win on it.
#8 of 17
13 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Maelstrom  Great
Fun map, and I LOVE Chicago. The neighborhood distributions were great. The ability to attack from one speakeasy to any other made it harder to defend, but there are still corners of the board that are a lot easier to defend than others. Even though I lost the game I played, I still had a lot of fun on the map. Good job!
#7 of 17
11 Sep 2010
Reviewed by KrocK  Good
Fun Hordes! board.
#6 of 17
27 Aug 2010
Reviewed by Yertle  Average
Beautiful hordes map! Basic hordes gameplay that can support quite a few people. As always, elimination runs can be a blast!
#5 of 17
25 Jul 2010
Reviewed by Pink Fuzzy  Fair
I like hordes games a lot, but I haven't yet had a decent game on this board. Maybe just bad rolls, but...I haven't enjoyed the games, and generally I enjoy even a losing game. Maybe I just need to give it a few more tries. *shrug*
#4 of 17
25 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Good
Hordes-style bonuses have single-handedly raised the large geographical map from the stalemate-filled grave and given them life and purpose again. If you want to play a Risk-like game on a map of Chicago and not have it turn into a "who has the best cards" contest at the end, play this one.
#3 of 17
8 Jun 2010
Reviewed by BlackDog  Superb
I'm a sucker for hordes maps, and this is a nice one. There are several nice nooks and crannies to start out in, and I'm not convinced that any part of the map is much stronger than the rest. The speakeasys give the map a more open feel than it would otherwise have, and increase contact with all the other players.
#2 of 17
5 Jun 2010
Reviewed by RiskyBack  Great
As a native Chicagoan, I particularly like this them. I really like the use of the bridges with the Hordes! bonus style, they make things interesting. The Speakeasys as a jump around tool are well placed. Think you've got your Hordes! all packaged up and then some dip wad on the other side of the map that you weren't paying attention to ruins your whole day.
It's nice, and for you ToS alumni, the gameplay may seem familiar but I like this version and theme much better.
#1 of 17