219 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.00 out of 10 based on 15 ratings

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9 Jan 2019
Reviewed by SpyYoshiRv  Average
Changing Review until i play this again.
#16 of 16
30 Nov 2013
Reviewed by zdisabled_d765cf3b  Average
I don't know how to play the board. The part of commit attacks and everything is different.
#15 of 16
3 Oct 2012
Reviewed by Luieuil Unrated
I think, you think, I think I'm gonna attack you in A, so I attack you in B! Love the mindgames.
#14 of 16
30 Aug 2012
Reviewed by ratsy  Superb
This is a great board, it's nice to look at and simple to play. Lots of opportunity to try to guess what you're opponent will do here, and of course, just nail em' in the head if you see yourself losing!

Love It.
#13 of 16
10 Sep 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Fair
Good for learning about simulgear, but not my favorite map.
#12 of 16
26 Aug 2011
Reviewed by Silent Strike  Great
#11 of 16
11 Jun 2011
Reviewed by Amidon37  Superb
I don't understand Simulgear strategy on other boards, but I get it here and love it.
#10 of 16
26 Feb 2011
Reviewed by AttilaTheHun  Superb
Great board that rewards risk and teaches the essence of Simulgear. Has the ability for epic battles and we've only begun to peer into the depths of strategy on this one.
#9 of 16
18 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Oatworm  Perfect
It's a visually stunning introduction to Simulgear game play. Yes, it requires a bit of luck to win, but that's par for the course on smaller boards. Good, good stuff.
#8 of 16
14 Feb 2011
Reviewed by CK66  Great
Fun game with great graphics. Games are generally quick and contain a nice balance of strategy and luck. The only slight downside is that the game is almost always won by the first player to gain a 2+ advantage in bonus units.

Edit: As with others, I'm tacking on another star because the more I play, the more I enjoy playing. I've also seen a couple of comebacks from being down 2 bonus units - still difficult to do but not impossible.
#7 of 16
13 Feb 2011
Reviewed by KommisMar  Good
It's actually deeper than I thought it was on my first playthrough. I didn't care for the board at first, but as I keep playing it I'm finding that I enjoy it more and more.
#6 of 16
13 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Mongrel  Great
There's something about the simplcity of R'm S'm that I like. However a board should be influenced by luck and not a slave to it. Let the longevity of the map prove me wrong. I'm usually into these sorts of boards, just haven't had that game that's hooked me, yet.

EDIT: I've played enough games to tack on another star. Seems to be trend here. Not had that sensational match, but there is some schuck and jive in initial rounds.

Given the size, and game length, there is a huge return on investment, a credit to Nygma.

Theme tacks on a star.
#5 of 16
7 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Sff75  Superb
#4 of 16
4 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Cona Chris  Superb
This board has a lot to offer for those interested in a quick 2-player game. Granted, moves are somewhat limited because of just there being only so many territories, but there can be some strategy here. Dice can be a killer though - one bad turn can put you down too much to recover. Good graphics and a fast game.

The more I play it, the more I like it! I upped my rating.
#3 of 16
25 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Jigler  Superb
After playing more, i upgrade my review to superb. this is a great two player game, and fantastic use of Simulgear. Superb 2 player game, awesome look! Got to stay on your feet, because it's hard to come back after falling behind. Love the idea of Rockem Sockem Robots, it's classic. And you converted the game to a Risk board very well. fun, quick 2 player board. :)
#2 of 16
20 Jan 2011
Reviewed by BTdubs  Great
I'm a sucker for anything simulgear, and this is a good one of it. Not a lot of brilliant maneuvering on this board, but some good solid anticipation and persistence. I definitely feel like luck has screwed me on this board, but I also don't feel like I've won by just being lucky.

It's no gentleman's duel, but will we every see such brilliance again? No, seriously, THAT board is the BEST.
#1 of 16