220 Open Daily games
7 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.00 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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21 May 2024
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Great
Love this board! I agree with Litotes' assessment that the lower section does have an advantage, and have also won starting from the north, so the advantage is not unsurmountable
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22 Apr 2020
Reviewed by Litotes  Great
I like this board, it makes for a fun and interesting game with little risk of a protracted standoff ending. I prefer the free holders scenario to the lord holders as it seems to me the lords in the lower section of the map has an initial advantage to the ones in the upper section, but as I won my only game starting in the upper region it can't be too bad. For the free holders I'd say this is the better Pern board, but both are worth playing.
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