205 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.00 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


6 Oct 2021
Reviewed by Eggs54  Great
A really challenging board, because of......the one-way system, hahaha!
Don't get stuck in the wrong place and play very strategically!
#4 of 4
20 Feb 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Good
Only one game played, but i quite enjoyed it. Looks super appealing, but you sure do have to pay attention... it stinks to get 50 units trapped behind a one-way boarder that you didn't look at closely enough! Fun stuff though!
#3 of 4
9 Jan 2012
Reviewed by Mad Bomber  Average
diplomacy is a must. Thats my story...sticky icky
#2 of 4
11 Oct 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Good
Solid board. All of the one-way attacks create the need for a lot of strategy... but if you're not paying attention, you're not going to get far on this map.
#1 of 4