218 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.00 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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26 Sep 2016
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Great
I think it's a great board, with a unique bonus structure and open to many different strategies. I have only tried one sort option, I look forward to checking out some of the other scenarios. I would prefer if the default wasn't set to light fog, but that's an easy enough thing to change when you create a new game.
#3 of 3
3 Oct 2015
Reviewed by TinyFingerCerebrum  Perfect
I can hardly say how happy I was when I saw that someone had put a merge sort onto a map. Besides the fact that I'm a nerd, I like this board because of the interesting attack structure. The bonuses are set up just about perfectly. There are lots of strategies that are made even more fun by the fact that each board is randomly different; now I just need to figure out a strategy with which I can win.
#2 of 3
21 Apr 2013
Reviewed by Levowsky  Average
curioso tablero
#1 of 3