207 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.90 out of 10 based on 10 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


2 Mar 2024
Reviewed by Motts  Great
My group of friends have loved and hated this map, but after they realized how pirate space works, most of the haters have come around.

Thanks for making it Kjeld!
#10 of 10
16 Feb 2018
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Superb
I just recently discovered this board, and I'm really enjoying it. Two things that could be improved: 1) Having bonuses more clearly displayed on the board, and 2) More clarity about how pirate negatives and bonuses work and/or cancel each other out.

Other than that, there's a slight learning curve to figure out what continents are important to control and make sure your enemy doesn't control in two team games, but once you have that, it's a fun one to learn and master
#9 of 10
17 Jan 2017
Reviewed by Korrun  Superb
Fun board with lots of players or big teams. Should be played with medium or heavy fog. The small continents and cards are way more important than the big continents. Watch out for the negative bonuses.
#8 of 10
13 Mar 2015
Reviewed by Isfelt  Great
simple fun, some minor mods to the boarders would be cool
#7 of 10
29 Jan 2015
Reviewed by asm  Average
I really found the graphics extremely difficult. I had a very hard time telling what was in what continent, and the legend on the map image is basically useless.
The board itself is fairly fun. In the Pirate scenario, the negative bonuses add an interesting twist although they don't have that big an impact on the game.
The overall unit scale on this map is a little silly. By the time you're in position to take and hold any of the larger continents, the seeming-large bonuses they offer aren't as significant as you would think.
I would never play this game without fog or with fewer than maybe 6-7 players.

And lastly, Pirate Space 69 should border Trantor 11 but doesn't.
#6 of 10
25 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Pappy  Good
boundaries are a little hard to distinguish but like the lay out.
#5 of 10
8 Jan 2014
Reviewed by mhudd100  Perfect
great board. rating = 10
#4 of 10
7 Dec 2013
Reviewed by BTdubs  Great
Praise: This is a board with room to maneuver, and interesting play via negative bonus areas, small and large continents, and strategically challenging bottlenecks and cross-board connections.

I especially like the way continents are sometimes inside other continents.

Because this board is large, a lot of luck factors even out - an excellent set of rolls won't win you as much, and a terrible set of rolls won't hurt as bad. Some players will get frustrated by this. Also because of the size of the board, expect a long game.

Warning: New players shoulder really really think about those negative areas. The raised/lowered continents are sometimes hard to discern, but games last long enough for you to get used to it.

Mixed: In no-fog or low-fog games, it can take a while for the game to resolve - even after it's no longer winnable for the weaker player(s). Don't give up too soon - mid-game it's common for players with a bad opening to come up big, and players with a good opening to lose their foothold.

Awesome: Rampaging on this board is some of the most fun there is to be had - there are so many territories to conquer! In fog games, smaller players have room to lurk until they pick up a new set of cards and blast in out of nowhere. (The flip side - you've got to be smart if you're aiming to eliminate someone)

Verdict: This is a board to play when you're tired of getting screwed by luck rolls on the conventional Risk board. It rewards thinking and planning.
#3 of 10
17 Aug 2013
Reviewed by Levowsky  Fair
#2 of 10
12 Feb 2013
Reviewed by Quazimoto  Superb
It plays very well, though once you have the disadvantage you are pretty much finished, that is unless it is equal. The minus bonuses can make a big difference if you are not aware of this. I think it should be more difficult to obtain the single areas that jump from one side of the board to the other. Overall though an excellent board to play in my opinion.
#1 of 10