203 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.22 out of 10 based on 37 ratings

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Pages:   12   (2 in total)
15 Jan 2024
Reviewed by Templaribus  Perfect
The colours and graphics are beautiful! The game mechanics are quite unique!

Great for having a rest from those giant boards strategically complex. If your opponent is a quick player then even better because the game is fast and fun.

I initially thought that the board just wasn't perfect due to the importance of the luck factor right at the beginning. However, a few dozen games later, I witnessed many matches in which those who started badly managed to recover and won the game.

I've also seen games where someone won by the minimum difference of one unit (one last smoking bullet)! And I could narrate here other fantastic adventures witnessed on this board!...

The shooting part is amusingly cinematic! The cowboy will bleed, take a while to fall, the camera will give a close-up in his dizzy eyes looking at the ruthless burning sun, he will say one last word and a song by Morricone will start to play! ;)

It's a truly exciting board!
Ideal for tournaments!
Always perfect for duels!
#37 of 37
2 Apr 2023
Reviewed by SpyYoshiRv  Perfect
This board is nothing short of a masterpiece for its purpose, 1v1 dueling. Note, this only applies to the Sequel variant of this board and NOT for the Classic.

First of all, it's one of the VERY FEW boards which has a better Seat 2 winning factor, mostly because its balanced around the fact that it has to deal with easier bullets + gets more overall reserves than Seat 1. This pretty much leaves the only annoying feat being the dice luck, but it's a common problem almost all boards face anyway.

It's easy to learn but you have to think strategically on what you should do following the bullet phase, there can be many options out there that could benefit your game.

You have to be very quick though, the turns are really fast! Therefore its realistically recommended for Real-Time gameplay, as anything above 1 day is just too unfeasible for a game of this magnitude.
#36 of 37
25 Jul 2022
Reviewed by BoShek  Great
Unique board, challenge to master... Highly recommended!
#35 of 37
28 Jul 2020
Reviewed by Da Champ  Superb
Super fun.
#34 of 37
27 May 2020
Reviewed by Babydoof  Perfect
Very fun quick 1 on 1 game
#33 of 37
24 Apr 2020
Reviewed by UngaBunga  Perfect
Nice board. Like it so far.
#32 of 37
23 Jan 2020
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Good
I'm surprised by how much I enjoy this board. I avoided it for a long time because it didn't appeal to me visually, but once I got playing it, I enjoy it's simplicity, its rock/paper/scissors quality, and the strategy around acquiring bonuses (even the initial bullets)
#31 of 37
7 Aug 2019
Reviewed by Litotes  Good
Nice board, quick to learn and play. Dice luck important as often on dual boards but strategy do count.
#30 of 37
19 May 2019
Reviewed by jungkerl  Great
Good game
#29 of 37
8 May 2019
Reviewed by Thingol  Great
I'm a bit torn between a 7 and 8 on this one. Let's just call it pretty good. The original map is very bland and a bad turn 1 can essentially end things for you - it's essentially a beginner map. I find the sequel a fun map to play. While getting your bullets is still a high priority, there are some other tactics to use to frustrate your opponent. Graphically, well done. Nice job Amidon and Weathertop on this one.
#28 of 37
19 Feb 2019
Reviewed by Stalinski  Superb
Fun, unique board
#27 of 37
7 Jan 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Superb
A great quick board. Unusual swings in dice luck seems to be a major factor.
#26 of 37
4 Nov 2015
Reviewed by warqueer  Perfect
i like
#25 of 37
24 Apr 2014
Reviewed by Jah Queline  Great
Good board for a quick game.
#24 of 37
2 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Farm Wife  Great
Fun Board. Really good for a real time game as well.
#23 of 37
26 Feb 2014
Reviewed by Footfungus  Great
A lot of this comes down to dice, assuming each player knows what he's doing, but it's still pretty fun, especially with fog.
#22 of 37
24 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Mario93al  Superb
One of the best quick boards!

You can do different strategies at the beginning of the game!!
#21 of 37
24 Jan 2014
Reviewed by ratsy  Great
This is a great dual board! Never forget your bullets. :)

There are lots of different ways to start the game, and to carry it through to completion! You're not exactly in direct competition with the other guy, but more so in competition with them and the neutral player.

Lots of luck involved, and maybe it can't quite be offset by strategy. But lots of fun, and a great board!
#20 of 37
24 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Ohbie  Great
Very creative and fun two player board. The recent tweaks to the board make it a little more complicated and give players some more options. I'm still trying to work out what the best strategy is myself.
#19 of 37
21 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Superman  Superb
I like this board.
#18 of 37
Pages:   12   (2 in total)