211 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games

Rating: 5.80 out of 10 based on 10 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


9 Feb 2013
Reviewed by Jigler  Terrible
Maybe i'm missing something, but this board seemed really rough. unit max, path movement/layout, and fog all left me wondering what was going on. felt clunky and drug out too long. Cool theme though.
#10 of 10
15 Aug 2012
Reviewed by RCofLowellSF  Good
fun game
#9 of 10
3 Aug 2012
Reviewed by Coop  Abysmal
I was thrilled to reach the point where I could surrender. Horrible border modifiers, senseless 5 army limit in all territories, just terribly designed. Stay away.
#8 of 10
22 May 2012
Reviewed by Slander  Great
I love this board! Smurftastic!

However, there IS one bug on this board. There is one path where if you attack it from the wrong direction, it defends with 12v12 instead of the 12v0 it's supposed to be. That should really be fixed. Lowered my score for this board because of that - otherwise, it's perfect.
#7 of 10
10 Dec 2011
Reviewed by Amidon37  Superb
This smurfy board is "Superb" if you know what you are getting into, otherwise you could very smurfy well think it is "Abysmal". Strategy and gameplay are smurfy different than standard Risk - and can be smurfy frustrating - due to the 5 limit on 'shrooms and the lopsided attacks against them. Using smurfy reserves wisely is a must.

And as an '80's child the cartoon show and theme is permanently etched into my brain.

My one annoyance with the board is the paths - many turns you have to plan out a walk through the paths to keep the other players from getting a big territory bonus.
#6 of 10
25 Aug 2011
Reviewed by LilSweetHotOne  Great
it was pretty good! It was a nice beginner board.
#5 of 10
11 Mar 2011
Reviewed by Skelement  Poor
don't really care for it
#4 of 10
19 Oct 2010
Reviewed by j-bomb  Great
cool board but not crazy about the road layout. also no gargamel
#3 of 10
13 Aug 2010
Reviewed by CiscoKid  Good
Always good to get some smurfing action!
#2 of 10
14 Apr 2010
Reviewed by norlingk  Poor
I was glad when i was finally killed....
#1 of 10