220 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.00 out of 10 based on 16 ratings

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26 Sep 2020
Reviewed by Johasi Vidad  Perfect
One of my favorite boards on the site. Complex, but master-able. challenging, but fun. And very different game-plays just based on how many players or level of fog. Two hints watch out for the dice modifiers and look for the few safe spots on the board (also some of those are much more important)
#16 of 16
9 May 2018
Reviewed by Oldtimer  Superb
A board that needs the highest level of calculation. It is well thought out and leads to interesting play.
#15 of 16
2 Oct 2017
Reviewed by Litotes  Perfect
Marvellous board. Have a clear head before embarking on this one, you'll have to think a long way ahead before every move - if you want to play effectively. If you're comfortable with that you'll enjoy this a lot.
#14 of 16
2 Oct 2017
Reviewed by Litotes  Perfect
Marvellous board. Have a clear head before embarking on this one, you'll have to think a long way ahead before every move - if you want to play effectively. If you're comfortable with that you'll enjoy this a lot.
#13 of 16
17 Sep 2017
Reviewed by Thingol  Perfect
Really an ingenius design by Red Baron. This is a true thinker's map and should be played without fog, to allow the maximum decision-making. Attack often early, but pick your spots later when the unit totals dwindle. And be aware of where the 'safe' spots are.
#12 of 16
15 Sep 2017
Reviewed by Levowsky  Bad
No mola
#11 of 16
17 May 2016
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Superb
Great strategy game, you need to plan out your moves with a lot of thought, and to keep in mind that there are only a few of spots on the board that don't defend with negative dice. I like the team games as well, as long as the number of players is not too high
#10 of 16
17 May 2016
Reviewed by Dodo  Great
Nice idea
#9 of 16
29 Oct 2012
Reviewed by itsnotatumor  Superb
Complicated. Awesome board, but not for the beginner (unless they are playing against me). =)
#8 of 16
24 May 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Average
Interesting board, but I can't quite figure it out, lol.
#7 of 16
10 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Mangler  Good
This board favors the bold, as it feels like there are no defensive positions where someone can't get above you and pillage your stack with stacked dice. It makes for quick games.

It's fun because of that, but you can't put too many players on this board. If there's more than 6 or so, the people toward the end of the line have to luck out to have any chance.

The design is good, but does require alot of focusing to see exactly what paths you can take to end up with the advantage. That's not necessarily a bad thing though
#6 of 16
18 Dec 2010
Reviewed by M57  Great
Mind-bogglingly mind-boggling. Don't play with a hangover.
#5 of 16
25 Jul 2010
Reviewed by Pink Fuzzy  Poor
I didn't really like this board, but I admit to being a bit of defensive player, which is NOT a good play-style for this board.
#4 of 16
30 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Seige07  Great
A fun board that really favors smart aggressive play. Very few defensive points can make for what feels like a quicker paced game.
#3 of 16
25 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Great
This is definitely a board that makes you think and work. That's a good thing.
#2 of 16
7 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Yertle  Superb
Great fun and stress! Excellent board with high originality. Red Baron has done a great job with the board, making it a necessity to plan out your attack sequence prior to simply throwing your units down on the map. Board probably isn't for beginners, but it is easy and quick to understand, definitely give the board a shot when you become familiar with the workings of border modifiers!
#1 of 16