205 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.58 out of 10 based on 19 ratings

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21 Oct 2019
Reviewed by Litotes  Great
Interesting board with several options for strategy, will probably require a few games to hit your stride on this one.
#19 of 19
21 Feb 2018
Reviewed by Levowsky  Bad
No me gusta
#18 of 19
18 Feb 2017
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Average
Average to Good board, just doesn't make me want to play it any more. Other players would like this type of board.
#17 of 19
4 Feb 2017
Reviewed by Abishai  Great
Pretty cool map, not up my alley though. Trying to look past my bias I give it a 7 out of 10.
#16 of 19
22 Jul 2015
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Superb
I love big maps, and this one provides space for different strategies and avenues for attack. I enjoy the possibility for unlimited attack (with abandon and placement after attack), which allows for a well-aimed rampage if you do it right. The corridors and continents are well placed. You are also able to regroup and strengthen yourself after someone else's rampage, if you have armies in different locations
#15 of 19
25 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Pappy  Good
good board
#14 of 19
13 Dec 2012
Reviewed by Thingol  Great
This is a "smart" players map. As many folks mention, the use of vision is very important. The bonuses allow for good starting balance. Every once in awhile, it's just a fun map to play.
#13 of 19
22 Aug 2012
Reviewed by Vindicare  Superb
I quite enjoy this map. Interesting mechanics, great use of vision.
#12 of 19
4 Apr 2012
Reviewed by Aloner  Great
A good one. Just be careful :)
#11 of 19
30 Mar 2012
Reviewed by KillDawg  Good
Variable amounts of players would be nice.
#10 of 19
17 Oct 2011
Reviewed by Ben Dover  Fair
How many time did i lost a bonus because i pressed the T button ?

I dont like much 0 units territory, especially when they return to neutral and cancel the bonus...

Yes it is my fault, i should read the game rules, i should pay more attention when i play...

I didnt like this map, but maybe one day i will
#9 of 19
28 Sep 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Great
I need to play on it a bit more, but overall I like this board a lot.
#8 of 19
19 Sep 2011
Reviewed by Kuoru  Good
It was a fun map and i did love that if was for D&D
#7 of 19
10 Sep 2011
Reviewed by Ceggon  Perfect
I think this is an incredibly creative and well executed board design. It requires very unique strategies and rewards exploration in very fun ways. Once again it makes clear, that information is power!!!

Well done!
#6 of 19
11 Sep 2010
Reviewed by KrocK  Great
I really like this board! Makes a great game!
#5 of 19
5 Sep 2010
Reviewed by Mongrel  Superb
I don't play dungeon much anymore, but just want to give Nygma props, again, for successfully building a one of a kind map.

Typically, I don't care much for fog maps, but torches remove enough of the blind luck associated to fogged play. The torches are great.

Completely agree with Alpha about the evolution of vision, and how a player can use that information to their advantage.

A Nygmap rarely throws just one new thing at you, there's also the jail cell aspect and releasing your teammate/yourself. Works well with the theme, and enhances tactical considerations. "slamming the door" on a opponents cell, locking in their much needed reserves, is intensely satisfying.

While I do think the layout is intuitive, there are enough dice mods around to require patience during the first game or two.

But the payoff is well worth it.

Excellent stuff.
#4 of 19
6 Aug 2010
Reviewed by CiscoKid  Great
Interesting team play to rescue your team mate to begin real play!
#3 of 19
6 Jul 2010
Reviewed by AdamN  Great
I continue to like this board. I especially like it as a team game with one member locked in the cell and the other trying to unlock him.Nice job and I really love the torches.
#2 of 19
14 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Alpha  Great
This board is the best fog board I have played. In the beginning you can see everything (almost), but as you build your corner of the dungeon so do the other players and you lose sight of their position. The torches are great for getting an idea of how players have built up, but exploring is the only true way to know who is running the Dungeon.
#1 of 19