219 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games

Rating: 6.68 out of 10 based on 19 ratings

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23 May 2017
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Great
I like this board, reminds me of Maze and Cretan Minotaur, but has it's own unique strategy. Great for playing with 2 or 3 players, as well as for larger numbers
#20 of 20
29 Apr 2017
Reviewed by sirdakka  Good
nice board, lots of space
#19 of 20
18 Feb 2017
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Good
Good board. Need to figure out the best strategy.
#18 of 20
3 Oct 2015
Reviewed by TinyFingerCerebrum  Superb
I love the idea of this board; it's very creative. Not only that, but there are a lot of different strategies to use on this board. When you can get one or two squares that block off an area, you're set. To be honest, it's also fun to see that you're getting 150 or so armies. Great work!
#17 of 20
10 Apr 2015
Reviewed by Lets Fighting Love  Good
#16 of 20
25 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Pappy  Average
#15 of 20
20 Feb 2013
Reviewed by Levowsky  Average
Desde el principio se sabe quien va a ganar
#14 of 20
6 Dec 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Average
Good crossword style map. Well designed. Nothing flashy with graphics or anything. Solid large board though.
#13 of 20
17 Jun 2011
Reviewed by Mangler  Good
I think these types of maps must be difficult to design, as there's many possibilities to what bonuses you can establish, and how they connect to each other.

In this regard, the map does good job. It has some good smallish sections to get the ball rolling, and some good choke points. I'm not totally blown away by this one's balance, but it can still be a lot of fun.
#12 of 20
29 Mar 2011
Reviewed by captnmorgan123  Good
Can be tedious and you have to watch out for teams. Other that that a fun board!
#11 of 20
23 Mar 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Average
Agree with Gimli. I'd say that a few more black spaces would make this board more interesting. It's almost a wide-open board the way it is, which makes it almost entirely a game of dice. Fun regardless, though.
#10 of 20
7 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Gimli  Fair
I've played a few maze/crossword maps and this one is ok. The card scale is good to keep things moving well. Looks good, no border issues. The downside is about the length of the continents. Being nitpicky, there aren't many words that are so long! Gamewise it would benefit from more choke points. Lots of borders to defend. Maybe using an actual crossword as a model would help. This does make it different from other crosswords (the abundance of many long words/continents) but not as good to play in my opinion. Worthy a few games for sure.
#9 of 20
22 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Grey Ghost  Great
Enjoy this board. Allows for aggressive fighting and yet you don't want to over extend yourself.
#8 of 20
6 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Chteny  Fair
Unspecially map
#7 of 20
29 Dec 2010
Reviewed by Kaihaku  Good
Deceptively simple in appearance with surprisingly tactical play.
#6 of 20
11 Sep 2010
Reviewed by KrocK  Poor
just not a fan
#5 of 20
27 Aug 2010
Reviewed by Yertle  Average
It's Big and it's Basic! Holds quite a few players easily and gameplay is quick and easy for new players to pick up on. Not too much in the area of originality, but still a good board.
#4 of 20
13 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Sff75  Average
#3 of 20
16 May 2010
Reviewed by 8natbat23  Perfect
I like it because I won my first try at the board!!!!!!!!
#2 of 20
15 May 2010
Reviewed by tyler Unrated
#1 of 20