219 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.53 out of 10 based on 19 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


24 Sep 2020
Reviewed by Da Champ  Superb
Fun board. All about eliminating people or getting that center square.
#19 of 19
21 Sep 2018
Reviewed by RonMexico  Good
Simple but pretty fun. The center bonus is a good game-changer
#18 of 19
4 Feb 2017
Reviewed by Abishai  Average
I like the map layout and mechanics for sure, but the card scale escalates way too fast for me. With the addition of the +10 elimination bonus and its like playing the antithesis of hot potato. The game hits a point where the first person to have the cards line up right is sweeping the map.
#17 of 19
28 Jan 2017
Reviewed by ratsy  Superb
I like this board alot. It has great balance, and you can do a variety of things and still be effective.
I think most games will ultimately come down to the eliminations or the cards, particularly when playing with lots of players.

I'd give it a perfect, but I don't find it that visually appealing, and I have seen a game or two go crab with three players. (but the games never stalled out for a really long time)

Lots of fun!

#16 of 19
8 Nov 2015
Reviewed by PresidentSkroob  Average
It's a pretty straitforward board. It wasn't clear by the key that you need the 2 yellow spaces to get the +4 bonus. It's a pretty even opportunity to win board
#15 of 19
4 Aug 2015
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Great
Very good board. Important not to let one player get out of control.
#14 of 19
9 Aug 2014
Reviewed by chessdirector  Good
Enjoyable. Quick kills and strategically targeted eliminations are the keys.
#13 of 19
1 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Big Skin  Superb
Really easy to learn. Fun to strategize eliminations
#12 of 19
22 Feb 2014
Reviewed by Levowsky  Good
Good board
#11 of 19
12 Aug 2013
Reviewed by Willy Wonka  Superb
The cards and elimination bonus make it easy to put together a chain of eliminations, but there is a big "race" at the beginning to claim a bonus or two first!
#10 of 19
27 Apr 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Superb
great fun, challenging map I likely will never master!
#9 of 19
15 Jan 2011
Reviewed by The Rope  Great
OH GOD THE CENTER. I really like this map.
#8 of 19
23 Oct 2010
Reviewed by Mongrel  Great
I agree. This is an elimination style board, but with appropriately placed neutrals there's a bit of bonus jockeying that goes on before that. It may be in your best interest to set up eliminations for others, I like that. You can also take the center to cause absolute mayhem, and a good strategy in many standard dice maps is to initiate mayhem as opposed to reacting to it. This board also confirms my philosophy that most wins on standard maps, ultimately, come down to "that one turn". Good stuff.
#7 of 19
11 Sep 2010
Reviewed by KrocK  Average
The layout looks cool, but its just not my cup of tea.
#6 of 19
6 Jul 2010
Reviewed by Yertle  Good
Surprisingly good! Sometimes boards look better than the gameplay, and I kind of thought that may be the case with this one, but it works out nicely. The board is a cash and conquer and eliminate board, but knowing when to strike and how hard to strike is the strategy. Graphics are great and the bonus structure works (that center piece can be a game changer, be sure and keep a close eye on an easy take/defend/hold of that one). Nicely done Viper!
#5 of 19
28 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Seige07  Fair
I feel like the card scale on this game makes to much of the strategy on the board irrelevant. It seems like the entire game rests on being able to hold out just long enough till you can start a chain of elimination using the cards from one to fuel the next.
#4 of 19
25 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Great
This is one fantastic looking board. Definitely seems to lean toward a cash and grab strategy - cards and eliminations are absolutely huge on this one. It's a quick bit of fun, though, so that's not a bad thing.
#3 of 19
23 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Amidon37  Superb
Clean, straight-ahead board. Nice graphics. Neutrals are used well to segregate the territories until someone knocks them down. Fights for the center can be interesting also. Cards grow a bit too fast for my taste.
#2 of 19
20 Jun 2010
Reviewed by ph breece  Average
a good board
#1 of 19