215 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games
  • Status: Retired
  • Version: 1.0
  • Designer: M57
  • Rating:
  • Rating Score: 7.93 out of 10 [15 ratings]
  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Created Date: 3rd Jul 2010
  • Release Date: 5th Jul 2010
  • Games Played: 290

Design Information
Territories 46
Continents 0
Advanced Features View Only Borders
One-way Borders
Border Modifiers
Fortify Only Borders
Board Settings
Gameplay Turn Based
Available Players
Card Sets Worth Off
Territory Selection Automatic
Unit Placement Automatic
Starting Setup Scenario based
Capital Cities On
Teamplay Disabled
Fog Setting Medium
Fog Override Disabled
Open Games 0
Seat Color Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
1 Red Default
2 Blue Default

Board Description

Virginia: March 29 – April 9, 1865

His supply lines cut by the Union army’s siege, General Lee was forced to flee Petersburg. Unfortunately, Union forces destroyed waiting trains filled with supplies at Appomattox. Lee’s last chance was to win one last battle at Appomattox Station, which he hoped would enable him to resupply his troops at Lynchburg. Maj. Gen. John Gibbon’s infantry corps travelled 30 miles in 21 hours, arriving just in time to support Sheridan’s cavalry – the only force standing between Lee and Lynchburg.

  • Attack dice pre-set at 9s v 7s, but if you defend from a named location, dice are 9s v 9s
  • Abandon is on and territories revert to neutral after each turn
  • 3 Fortifies to any connected territory
  • All courthouses can see each other (fog is lifted)
  • Train stations can see adjacent train stations
  • Return to attack from fortify enabled
  • 1 army bonus per turn (start by placing it on your flag)
  • Flags attack and fortify to specific Court Houses as specified on the map
  • 1 army limit per territory (except your flag, which holds 2 - use it or lose it)
  • Flags are capitals; capture your opponent's flag to win
  • Flags defend with 0 sided dice
  • Play is a delicate balance of attacking and fortifying such that you keep supply-lines open to your front lines. If your forward units become stranded, taking the Prince Edward Court House can potentially save the day since it then becomes a source of fresh armies.

    Sage Advice:

    This game is all about keeping supply lines running, so make sure you leave a trail of armies from your forward armies back to at least one of the Courthouses, because abandon is ON!

    Generally speaking you attack until you lose, then you use your fortifies to bring armies to the front. Then attack again. Then use your remaining fortifies to shore up your supply-lines.

    Because fortifies emanate from courthouses, you can see that getting your hands on Prince Edward is special, ..though not necessary.

    At some point, it may become too tempting to break with your supply line and make a run for Appomattox. The flags are defenseless.

    Don’t get discouraged. It is VERY easy to make dunderhead moves in this game. Your opponent is probably doing it too.

    The most common mistake people make is to forget to fortify with the army they placed on their flag at the beginning of their turn. Use it or lose it.

    Often you're still in the game when you think you’re WAY behind. Yes, losing three in a row takes an appreciable toll on your forces and strains your supply lines, but believe me, the other guy may be in just as bad a condition.

    Even if your opponent seems to have the upper hand and looks to be closer to Appo than you, remember, he has to fight his way there. He's doing all the work and you can follow his trail and take no casualties. ..and/or cut his supply lines.

    Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOff
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowed3
    Number of fortifies allowed3
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationConnected
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralEnd of Turn
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingNo
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledNo
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOff
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:2

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
    Minimum bonus units per turn1
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOff
    Maximum reserve units0
    Maximum units per territory2
    Auto Assign FactoriesOff
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice9
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice7

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOn
    Lock seat orderOn
    Lock starting bonus to:Color
    Allow seat selectionNone
    Capital citiesOn
    Capital city captureOn
    Capital city unit assimilation %0
    Destroy unallocated CapitalsOff
    Number of units per Territory1
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countNone
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsNone