

In tournaments (and possibly even regular games), the option to set aside seats for teammates.

Arguments Against:

  Only strong players will only team up with strong players.
  Tournaments might take longer to fill because of the wait for registered teammates (a certain # of whom might fail to show).

Arguments For:

  Argument a. Against will not occur. In fact, top players should benefit more by partnering with lower ranked players so as to gain more points per win.  Lower ranked players will be mentored up in the ranks and the result will be a fluid and dynamic system.
  Argument b. Against should be mitigated by the fact that the system will encourage more people to join in the first place.
  Members are already "reserving" seats for their partners.  When a non-invited member joins their team, they leave the tournament.
  Some players avoid starting a team in the first place.  They watch as the tournament fills and try to join up with someone who they know or want to play with; In other words, players are able to be selective regarding their partners already. Why not support and streamline that process?
  Teamplay will become more popular. Players may end up forming informal or ad hoc guilds.


  If the team doesn't fill after x amount of time (equivalent to the turn time limit), the team is dissolved.
  If the team doesn't fill after x amount of time, remaining seats become available.
  The ability of the "captain" of the team to select one of the two above options.

Additional arguments for/against, thoughts, adjustments? +1s, -1's..

Forum Discussion