Stellar Conflict

Use your crew to upgrade your ship in order to blast your opponent into oblivion.

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Welcome to Stellar Conflict. Let's get to know your ship first.

Refer to this image for terminology.

Let's start with Systems.

Activating systems is the most important part of the game. In order to activate a system, have a crew member spend a turn in a room with an an activate-able system. On your following turn, the system will turn on. Each turn you begin with an active system will provide a bonus. Shields increase your shield durability. Weapons add to your weapon power. Research allows you to upgrade your systems. Crew will allow you to recruit new units. Each turn an activated system will degrade by 1. If it reaches 0, the system will deactivate. If a crew member ends a turn in a room with a degraded, but active system, the system will restore to its maximum.

Next, let's talk about Crew Members.

Players begin with 2 crew members. They move freely around the ship and activate systems. If a crew member ends a turn in a room with an inactive system, that system becomes active on the following turn. If a crew member begins a turn in a room with an active system, the crew member works that room, generating a larger bonus. In this example, on Purple's next turn, Research and Shields will activate. Since Weapons is already activated, that system will produce a larger bonus for having a crew member working it. Red is working a shield system and will activate Research and Weapons on her following turn.

With Research activated, players can upgrade their systems.

Research provides units in the circle above the beaker in the tech tree. From there you can attack the lowest rung on each tech ladder. Each one provides an upgrade to the system. WEAPONS ARENT IN YET. SHIELDS ARENT EITHER. Crew upgrades allow you to increase your crew size and their productivity. Sensors allow you to see into your opponent's ship.

With Weapons activated, players can use weapon power to attack the enemy ship.

From Weapon Power players can attack to the nodes below a weapon to activate that weapon. All nodes must be taken for a weapon to fire. In order to direct the attack of the weapon, players must attack from the ATTACK territory to a target on the board.

In this example, Purple has activated the Ion and targeted her opponent's shield system. Red has activated the missile and attacked her opponent's shield system as well. The Ion does 4 damage to shields, 1 damage to systems, and 0 hull damage. If Red's shields are up, the ion will only deal damage to the shields. Otherwise, the ion will deal 1 damage to her opponent's shield system. The Missile does 6 damage to shields, 3 damage to systems, and 5 hull damage. If Purple's shields are up, they will take 6 damage. If they are not, the targeted system will take 3 damage, and Purple's Hull will take 5 damage. If a hull had 0 damage, that player loses.

Players can use the Teleporter to recruit new units.

Your maximum crew size starts at 2. Once a player take the first rung of the Crew tech ladder, she increases that size by one, to 3. Once a player takes the third rung of the Crew tech ladder, that max increases to 4. This is indicated by the number of people you can see in the Crew Max area.

In order to spawn new units, you must activate your Teleporter. Once the teleporter is active, have the crew member leave the room to clear the way for the new recruit. An active teleporter only produces a new crew member if you have fewer members than your maximum. You must maintain all rungs on tech tree ladders for them to remain active. In this example, Purple has an active teleporter and 3 crew members. She has taken both the first and third rung of the crew ladder, and thus can see a maximum of 4 crew members under the tech tree. On her following turn, a new crew member will arrive in the teleporter room, since it is empty. Red just took the first rung of the ladder allowing for a maximum of 3 crew members, so she sent a crew member to activate the teleporter. On her following turn, the teleporter will activate. Then red's crew member can leave the room in order to recruit a new crew member on the following turn.

That should be all you need to know! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message, check the description on the board, or watch some finished games.