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Yertle Yertle is offline now
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Player #238
Joined WarGear 8th Nov 2009
Last Visit 20th Jun 2022 14:50
Country United States
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A man there was, though some did count him mad,

The more he cast away, the more he had.

He that bestows his goods upon the poor,

Shall have as much again, and ten times more.

Yertle's Wall

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8th Jun 2010 00:06
Message from RiskyBack
That's a lion? Seriously, I thought it was a Dragon. By the way, were you a fan of Risky Kong? I really loved playing that map and I am remaking it but I don't think many other people did so I'm wondering if I should switch some stuff up.
#44 of 164
29th May 2010 15:28
Message from asm
Did the bacon spill the bacon grease on your foot? No? Take some responsibility for your own mistakes big guy.
#43 of 164
27th May 2010 14:06
Message from RiskyBack
We did great in the 3 player team map. I thought we were done for early but you did a great job of protecting me, Step got all aggressive to weaken up everyone and then we worked great together to finish the job. Of course, I still can't understand how Gimli had all of South America basically the whole game but never did much with the bonuses....what did he do with them? Who cares? We won, we rule!
#42 of 164
21st May 2010 21:30
Message from Kjeld
Thanks for that catch, I don't know how no has noticed it yet! I like it set at +2, so I changed the image and promoted a new version.
#41 of 164
21st May 2010 13:14
Message from asm
Oh in other news of recent realizations, I figured out where Yertle comes from! It only took me like 2 years of knowing your name to figure it out!
#40 of 164
21st May 2010 13:14
Message from asm
AHAHA YERTLE I didn't ever see the name of the color you added on WG 2210 until just now. I love it so bad. Thanks man!!
#39 of 164
5th May 2010 23:01
Message from nullsignal
There should be a "new here?" link that goes straight to this page. Folks, there's no one out there more helpful than Yertle, either in-game or otherwise. He's a mastermind, a gentleman, and a mentor, in the most classical sense. This is a man to know.
#38 of 164
27th Apr 2010 12:44
Message from CiscoKid
Nope, just try to be one, but fail more than I succeed :-)
#37 of 164
27th Apr 2010 04:24
Message from CiscoKid
The answer to the riddle is "A Christian".
#36 of 164
25th Apr 2010 00:00
Message from General Crank
Forth in the ranking? We should collaborate on a map sometime. Got any ideas?
#35 of 164
24th Apr 2010 02:34
Message from Gimli
Wow, you and ASM are sure flying up fast! good luck!
#34 of 164
22nd Apr 2010 12:46
Message from asm
Finally closed out a 12-player game on France that I've been working on for quite some time now. And then I went to the Home page and made a loud "...zoooOOOOOOOMM!!" noise and an upwards motion with my hands. Thanks ;)
#33 of 164
19th Apr 2010 20:42
Message from asm
Congrats on #2. I think this 3-way battle is going to drive at least one of us all the way to the top.
#32 of 164
12th Apr 2010 23:01
Message from Edward Nygma
Thanks! I've been writing originals as often as I can.
#31 of 164
12th Apr 2010 15:09
Message from Edward Nygma
Colder. Keep guessing!
#30 of 164
9th Apr 2010 16:50
Message from Edward Nygma
Too vague, yes.
#29 of 164
8th Apr 2010 19:34
Message from Edward Nygma
Very good guess, but not quite. Keep guessing!
#28 of 164
5th Apr 2010 17:10
Message from RiskyBack
I'm not going to defend Mr. Sawyer's writing style. I have read almost everything he has written and I find him to be full of himself with no ability to write an ending. Every book seems to have the same ending.....The End (wrap bow, stop writing) and they all leave me wanting more. He actually wrote the book "Flash Forward" that the ABC TV show is based off of but they are nothing alike. As far as Calculating God, I really enjoyed the theory behind it and the arguments that the Aliens used to convince that stubborn ol Anthropologists. I think if the book had a decent ending it would have been a GREAT book but everything else goes away because he just decides to stop writing and wraps it all up in one chapter and has every character seemingly have a complete personality turn. I think it was a really great attempt and did leave me thinking so that's pretty good. I am enamored with the book because I think it went about something very difficult to have a rational discussion about in a very backhanded way that worked, but not quite well enough. Still one of my favs just for the attempt and some of the Anthro stuff that is mentioned.
#27 of 164
1st Apr 2010 14:05
Message from asm
#26 of 164
26th Mar 2010 20:30
Message from Red Baron
Thanks for making the fixes to Medieval Europe. I was actually planning to ask you to help me do that next time we were in a game together. The other change I would like to have done is to change the color black to white in Antastic to fix the problem asm mentioned on my wall. If that's easy to do, feel free to do it.
#25 of 164
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