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ConX ConX is offline now
Rank Private Private
Membership Type Standard
Player #50914
Joined WarGear 24th Jul 2020
Last Visit 19th Apr 2024 19:14
Country United States
Championship Points -
Global Ranking Score 1109 (#1606)
Monthly Score 961
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H Rating 52%
Average turn time 4 hours 1m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
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ConX's Achievements

  • Battle Hardened (Play 10 Public Games)
  • Harmless (Win One Public Game)
  • Team Expert (Play 10 Public Team Games)
  • Combat Buddy (Win One Public Team Game)
  • Adventurer (Play games on 25 different boards)
  • Elder (Had an account for > 3 years)
  • Double Winstreak (Win 2 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • ICU (Upload profile picture)
  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)

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General ConX, born Conrad Xavier, emerged from an extraordinary upbringing in the gifted and talented program. Despite his intellectual prowess, he faced challenges due to his small hands and an unconventional fascination with women with formidable physiques. This peculiar trait, however, fueled his determination to prove himself.

ConX's journey took a unique turn when he discovered an ancient martial art that required precision and finesse rather than brute strength. Mastering these techniques allowed him to compensate for his physical limitations. His strategic mind and unorthodox combat style caught the attention of military leaders.

As General ConX rose through the ranks, his reputation for unparalleled nighttime dedication spread. He developed a habit of sleeping during the day, maximizing his productivity during the quiet, strategic hours of the night. This unconventional schedule became a symbol of his commitment to victory.

The war that defined General ConX's legacy began when a neighboring nation threatened his homeland. Faced with overwhelming odds, ConX orchestrated brilliant nocturnal campaigns, surprising the enemy at every turn. His tactical brilliance and unyielding dedication inspired his troops, earning him the respect and loyalty of his army.

General ConX's war stories became legendary, not only for his military prowess but also for overcoming personal challenges. His small hands became a symbol of adaptability, and his unique preferences were embraced as quirks that added character to an already remarkable leader.

General ConX, in addition to his strategic brilliance and unconventional traits, was rumored to possess a legendary prowess in all aspects of life, including a tremendous manhood that became a subject of whispers among his troops. While his soldiers admired him for his leadership and military genius, they also secretly marveled at the mythical tales surrounding his personal attributes.

The rumors, whether exaggerated or not, further fueled the mystique surrounding General ConX. Some believed that his confidence and charisma on the battlefield were somehow linked to his rumored physical endowment. Regardless of the truth behind these whispers, it added an enigmatic layer to ConX's persona, solidifying his place as a larger-than-life figure in both war and folklore.

ConX's Wall

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6th Jul 2023 22:11
Message from Gloop
He be slangin that thang around all y’all’s maps! Ayyyllmao
#1 of 1
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