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1 Open Realtime game
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  1. #1 / 6
    Premium Member Spider
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    Jan 11

    (With all due respect to Murakami's excellent memoir on running and writing.)

    As I keep hanging around here, and playing public and private games. . . I find myself thinking about how my play has changed over the years, but moreso how my perspective on games has changed over time. I believe that I've learned something about myself and grown as a person thanks to gaming.

    Wondering if anyone feels the same.

    When I joined the other site, I was in my late 20's.  I had to ban gaming before bedtime to get a good night sleep. Well, mostly at the advice of my partner, who would roll her eyes and sigh at my distraction.  I would become so frustrated about losing or bad dice, that I would be swearing and scheming how to get a win or an advantage. Admittedly, I was pretty bad when I began and certainly not as good at Risk as I am today. Don't take that the wrong way, I'm not a great player, there are things I'm still bad at in my game, but I know what I am good at and know where I want to improve.

    Today, I find that I don't mind the poor dice so much. I still have a strong drive to win, but I don't seem to mind the ugly streaks so much. I see my play getting slowly better, and that slow arc of improvement is real hope from small wins, not optimism. 

    I've come to know a few of you a bit better, and enjoy the banter, pop culture references, differences of opinion among my private gang group, and though there are heated debates, win or lose, there's always the next game if we're all having fun.

    But, without reference to a game and others, I'm still learning. . . thanks, if you know that I'm talking about you. 

    I guess I'd reduce the above to gaining some perspective, acknowledging hope, and basically learning patience. I wonder if you have all learned something from Risk about life. 

    Happy warring, all.

  2. #2 / 6
    Prime Amidon37
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    Feb 10

    Sometimes you have to go all in and hold nothing back - and the trick is knowing when to do that.

    This is cool - "I see my play getting slowly better". Awesome.

  3. #3 / 6
    Premium Member Spider
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    Jan 11

    Nice. Taking a strategic risk in real life is 'not so easy,' as they say.

  4. #4 / 6
    Premium Member Shredder
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    Spider - you are weaving a beautiful web (story) with your words.  I joined with a group of friends who I had known for years.  They have all popped their parachutes and pulled out of this marvelous little universe we can joust and game in.  While I do miss them here (I do see them irl..) I have made some great discoveries on new folks with whom I have had a chance to play with, get to know, and very much appreciate the experience.  A thoughtful posting that you have made.  Both you and Amidon have been good teammates and competitors, as have many others. ***Still miss ratsy. 

  5. #5 / 6
    Premium Member Shredder
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    Aug 14

    Amidon37 wrote:

    Sometimes you have to go all in and hold nothing back - and the trick is knowing when to do that.

    This is cool - "I see my play getting slowly better". Awesome.

    How true!

  6. #6 / 6
    Premium Member Spider
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    Jan 11

    Thanks, Shredder. Always enjoy playing with or against you. Smile

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