Swing states in the 2016 election start out neutral.
Have you ever wondered what it might be like if states could battle each other in order to determine the next US president? Electoral Warfare explores this very silly ..and yet scary question. You are the candidate, and once you have the allegience of more than 1/2 of the states' electoral votes, you win the election and the game.
The number of E-votes each state has is printed in white on the state. You can count them manually if you like, but it's much easier if you become a Premium member of Wargear.net. That way the numbers are calculated for you ..AND you support the site. Become a Premium member. It's a win/win.
When you capture a state you only win one territory, but if you hold it at the beginning of your next turn you capture all of it's off-board e-vote territories, which not only count toward the win conditions, but will also have significant impact on your in-hand bonus. However, if after capture a state changes hands multiple times in succession, the original holder of the state will continue to hold those off-board territories until someone else is able to hold its controlling state for an entire turn.
When you have been eliminated from the map you will still control some electoral votes (hidden off-board territories). They will remain yours until a player who is still in the race can control the state for a full turn. In other words, it could take a few turns if there's a proxy battle for your state's electoral votes. In the RW, most politicians don't get out of the race until well after they have no chance of winning. When this happens in WE, you simply end your turn by hitting the "Apply" button, thereby allocating your war chest to nothing.
Because of this, you would think that to win the game you would need to control 270 or more e-votes at the beginning of your turn, but in fact it's not uncommon for a player to hold something like 260 e-votes at the beginning of their turn, cash and manage to run through any 10 states for the win.
States have been re-sized to better reflect their electoral values. More of your color on the map means more votes.
Bonus = 1 per 23 "territories" (including off-board e-votes)
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*Exceptions are Maine and Nebraska, where you will only gain a majority of their electoral votes because of those state's rules governing the allocation of votes; for purposes of this game it assumed that you can't win those states by landslide. Don't worry about this. It's all transparent. ME allocates 3 votes instead of 4, and NE allocates 3 instead of 5.
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