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Factories: Advanced Techniques

Here is a list with a brief description of Advanced Factory techniques with links to tutorials if necessary…

Most of the descriptive images found on these pages use the WarGear Modeling Language.

Combination Finder - Find Combinations of Territories (e.g. 4C2) and assign a bonus.

Off Board Sand Box - Hide your factories off the board so they are easier to work with and completely hidden from view.

Simple Timer - Delay bonuses and other factory driven functions.

Objective Based Victory - Create a Victory condition that doesn't require a player to capture all territories.

Starting Bonus Schematics - Add starting bonuses with factories.

Territory Tracking and Respawn - Tracking how many territories a player has in a given area, and respawning when below the threshold.

designer_tutorials/tutorials/factories/advanced.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/15 21:39 by Edward Nygma