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Inspired by Colossal Crusade, Game of Hordes, and Civil War boards.

A colossal crusade for control of the lands between the ice and the shadow. Winter is coming and the lands of Westeros and Essos must stand united against the white walkers, or the realms of man will surely perish.

Cities and naval territories can hold a maximum of 20 units, while capitals may hold 25.

Fortification is permitted between cities connected by roads (red dashed lines).

Capitals house massive defensive fortifications and an active spy network, and thus defend at +2 and are able to view the capitals of neighboring continents.

Attacking into rough terrain (mountains, forests, or swamp) carries a -1 penalty.

When you play the game of thrones… well, you get the idea.

boards/risk_of_thrones/risk_of_thrones.1382794392.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/21 23:03 (external edit)